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The next thing I knew i was meeting this Elliot that Lydia went to go find. He had black hair that swayed the right way and very tight clothes that hugged his muscular body. He sat in front of me and looked me up and down then smirked.

"So this is the famous pine tree?" His voice was deep. I nodded. His smirk got bigger." So have a girlfriend?" The question startled me a bit but i shook my head no." Then who was that girl who was all over you?"

"My sister Mabel. Were um kinda twins."

"Wow twins. That's cool i've always kinda wanted a twin." Lunch went by really fast with the other three talking but i noticed bill didn't eat or talk much. Then it was time for our next class but bill pulled me aside.

He actually pulled me into a janitors closet that was very small. For a second we just stood there. We were s close before he pulled away and leaned back into the shelves behind him to get some distance.

"Um look im not telling you who you can be friends with but just watch yourself around Elliot... He can be a bit well he likes to date and sleep with everyone in the school. So just be careful." I nodded. Does that mean hes slept with Elliot? No why m i getting angry so what if hes slept with him its fine and none of my business. Right?

"Sorry I just wanted to let you know not t get the wrong idea. Hes a great guy its just he ca be a bit demanding sometimes if he doesn't get his way." I nodded again. I get it every school has a guy like that. Who thinks their cool and can get ll the ladies.

I then heard the door knob and was confused why bill didn't open it.

He turned around with horror written on his face.

"Its locked." Oh no when will the janitor be back? What if he doesnt come back? What if me and bill are stuck in here till we die of starvation?

I was full on freaking out when warm arms curled around my body calming me down.

"Its okay dipper we'll get out of this. Shhh it l s okay. We're fine." Bill whispered into m ear. The hot air he blew sent shivers down my spine. And his voice was so soothing and deep. After about a half an hour we still were in each other embrace. Bill's body heat calmed me down.

Suddenly. Felt something warm and wet touch my ear. I jumped up blushing nit realizing what he just did. I held my ear shocked.

"Sorry pine tree it was just to tempting." He chuckled. I went to stand up and fell back down again this time i was on top of bill face to face. Then he started to lean forward till i felt his soft lips on mine. They were sweet and I started t kiss back. He licked my bottom lip and it opened slightly to let his tongue invade my mouth. Our tongues swirled together in harmony till the door began to open and there stood Lydia and Elliot. Elliot stood there with his hands across his chest and a smirk on his face. Lydia stood there shocked.

I quickly stood up and whipped my mouth of the spit that was left from the open mouth kiss. As bill did the same Lydia let out a squeak like noise and went to hug bill and I.

"Omg I just knew it. I knew you two had a thing together! When were you gonna tell me!?!" She whined.

"Shhh Lydia not so loud. Please."

"Well I didn't look at you as a top kinda guy but that's hot." Elliot put his arm around my shoulder. Bill glared at him and then he wrapped his arm around my waist. Elliot let go as bill pulled me closer towards him. I didn't really know what happened. All i know is bill isn't Happy with Elliot since I got here. Was it me!?!?

Me and bill went back to class a little shaken that we just kissed and didn't even get to talk about it. Next was art since i missed most of science. But now was my absolute favorite class. Plus bill was there.

"Hey mr. Dorito I said putting my sketch pad and pencils down at the table he was sitting at.

"Pine tree." He smirked." You barly made it to class on time. Were you liked in another closet?" I blushed at the memory of us. Then he scooted closer to whisper int my ear." Without me?" His voice turned me on. It was deep and husky in my ear as he probably blew more hot air than needed as he spoke. His works sent shivers down my spine. Luckily the teacher came in saving me from anymore of his teasing.

"Hello im your teacher for art. Im Susan and most students call me Lazy Susan and i don't care. You'll find out that im pretty easy going as long as you are good." She looked right at bill and elliot." Now i believe we have a new student who is really good at drawing. Dipper pines. Welcome. Now lets move on to our first project shall we?" She talked for a couple minutes but all I could focus on was how bill didn't move back and our shoulders were touching.

Art class went by without a problem and i was packing up as bill came up behind me.

"Hey pine tree want to hang out at my place sometime after school?" He gave me one of his signature smirks that made my stomach feel all tingly.

"I don't know I have a lot of chores." I frowned. I just wanted to be locked in my room when stan got home.

"Well you can text me when your free right? Here's m number. See ya kid!" He handed me a paper and flew out the room before I could protest.

I got his number...i have his number.

"Im So Sorry. Dorito."Where stories live. Discover now