Chapter 1

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Why did you leave me?


Elizabeth POV:

Ciel.. Oh Ciel.. why did you die.. why did you leave me?

I staring at Ciel's grave, im now wearing a black dress (Her dress photo is in the top ⬆) and im carrying my rabbit and its a toy

"Oh Ciel.. why..." i started to cry right now.. why did he leave me? WHY DID HE DIE?!

"Mistress, its time to go.." my maid Paula said, i looked at her and nodded and back to look at Ciel's grave

"Bye Ciel, dont worry i will came back" I said, i put a flower to his grave and walk away and went to the carriage

I went in and even Paula and now the carriage started to move, i looked outside looking sad

"Mistress.. are you okay?" Paula asked me, i nodded and smile

"Yes i'm okay Paula, Even though Ciel is died. Hes still beside me" i said while looking outside

We arrive at the mansion, we exit the carriage and went in the mansion, i saw Edward sitting in the stairs

"Hello sis. So are you okay? Even though your fiance is dead?" Edward said, my fiance is dead.. its all my head now

"Yes older brother, dont worry about it. Im gonna go to my room and change my clothes" i said, walking to my room

"I can help you mistress!" Paula said, i stop walking and looked at her

"No thanks Paula, i can do it by myself" i said and continue walking to my room

"Im getting worried" I hear Edward said, i sighed

I enter my room and closed it and started to change my clothes to my pink cute dress

I finish dressing and sit in the bed, i grab the frame of a picture of me, my family, Sebastian and.... Ciel

"Ciel..." i started to cry right now and started to hug the frame, i layed down and suddenly fall asleep


Where im i? What is this?
I open my eyes and sit up when i looked around, im not in my room!

"What is this?" I asked myself, i stand up and went to the door. I started to open up but the door is locked outside

"IS ANYONE IN THERE?!" i yelled trying to open the door but it failed

"Its just a dream.. its not real" i said to myself, walk away in the door and suddenly i hear a noise outside it seems its opening the locks

I realize i saw Sebastian open the door, my eyes widen IS THIS A DREAM OR NOT?!

"S-Sebastian?!" My eyes really widen when i saw Sebastian. It seems Ciel is here too!

"Hello Lady Elizabeth, its been a while since Young Lord's dead.." Sebastian said smiling at me

"Where's Ciel?!" I asked him with a serious on my face, my cute face is getting melt for being sad im not doinga cute face anymore

"Im here Lizzy" i shocked a cold voice Hes really here.. a young boy walk in, i gasped

"Ciel..." i started to cry and walk over to him and hugged him

"CIEL I MISS YOU!" I said hugging him tightly and still crying, i feel Ciel's hugged me back

"I miss you too Lizzy." Ciel said in a cold voice, i smiled and broke away

"IS THIS A DREAM?! ARE YOU REALLY ALIVE?!" I getting happy to see Ciel,

"Lizzy, its a dream.." Ciel said and suddenly his eyes started to red, i gasped and backing away

"Why is your eyes is red?" I started to freak out im backing away from Ciel, Ciel looked at me with a smirk, Im backing away and suddenly Sebastian now is behind me, he grabbed my arms, im trying to get his grip but it failed

Ciel went to me and put his hand to my cheek "Oh Lizzy how i miss you so much, i never see your cute face now~" he started to smirk, i getting afraid because of Ciel, i looked away at him

I hear Ciel getting angry, he put his two hand in my both cheek to look at him "LIZZY. DONT EVER LOOK AWAY FROM ME! UNDERSTOOD?!" He yelled at me, i getting scared now, i nodded slowly

"Good, i know this is dream, now maybe later you can dream of me again Lizzy forever~ now Sebastian do it now" Ciel said, wait what?

"Understood" Sebastian accept and now he put me black out


I gasped and sit up, i looked around i saw my room. I sighed and feel my heart going fast

"Its just a dream.." i said to myself, and sighing again
"What a worst dream ever, oh i dont even know i fall asleep" I said standing up and went to the door

"Oh Lizzy im always watching~" My eyes widen and look behind me theres nothing there

Ciel is always watching..

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