Chapter 2

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Elizabeth POV:

I sit in the edge of the bed to think something. Its evening today.. im now wearing my night gown and my hair got untie while im gonna sleep

"Another Dream." I said, i lied to the bed and cover myself with a blanket and fall asleep


I open my eyes and sit up started to rubbed my eyes and i started to looked around

"Im here again.." i said, because this is not my room. My room is pink and cute but this room is kinda black

I knocked coming from outside, the door opened by Sebastian and bowed

"Its nice to meet you again Lady Elizabeth" Sebastian said with a smile, i smile back

"Its nice to meet you again.." Sebastian looked at me and went to me

"Time to get dress Lady Elizabeth" Sebastian said, i looked at Sebastian getting confused

"Get dress? But this is a dream.." I said while looking at the tall butler beside me

"Yeah Lady Elizabeth, but young lord told me to get you dress up and went to his office" Sebastian said, i looked away and nodded

"Im gonna call the maids to help you to dress" Sebastian leave the room and get the maids, i sighed. 'I feel like its real.'

I got dress up now to help the maids, the maids leave the room, i looked at the mirror and i dress like (photo dress ⬆) i wear this since we went to the Luxury Liner Campania Ship

I sighed and exit the room and went to Ciel's office, i take a breathe and knocked the door

"Come in" i open the door and enter the office, i saw Ciel looking at me in a creepy way

"Uhm. Hi Ciel.." i said with a faked smile because im getting scared because of the creepy face he have

"Hello Lizzy." Ciel stood up and went to me, i hold my gasped and Ciel rubbed his finger to my cheeks

"You seems got a eyebug huh?" Ciel said still rubbing my cheeks. I shocked because i never notice that i have a eyebug, i always dont sleep when im thinking of Ciel

"Oh really? I never notice" I said, Ciel stopped rubbing my cheek and looked at me

"Did you didnt sleep at night? and because you're eyes getting red." Ciel said in a serious way, i looked away at him and puffed my cheeks

"Well.. im always think about you so thats why i didnt get some sleep.." i said, i started to blushed. I looked at Ciel he seems staring at me

"Uhhh" im getting confused because he just stare at me

"You change Lizzy" my eyes widen and started to get sad, my tears started to flow

"Im sorry Ciel! Since you died my sanity got lost for losing you! Im really sad to make you died im always thinking you and never slept!" I said, tears flowing my eyes, i feel a hand in my cheeks wiping my tears up

"I see the point Lizzy. So maybe i have no choice" I looked at Ciel and Ciel looked at me


"Contract with me"

Demon Fiance (Ciel x Elizabeth)Where stories live. Discover now