Chapter 6

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Adult things~


Ciel POV:

Tsk. Too many paperworks! Its so hard to be Earl and head of this phantomhive god dammit.

I hear a knocked in the door, i sighed and let it in. Sebastian enter the office with a earl tea in the tray

"Bocchan. How about you sip some tea you been stress out"   Sebastian said putting the tea in my desk

"Thank you Sebastian" i grab the tea and sip while looking at my paperworks

"So bocchan. Hows the paperworks? You been not sleep well Ciel" Sebastian started to worried. I looked at him

" I cant sleep " i take a sip again and finish the tea. Sebastian grabbed the cup and put it on the tray

"Any idea for Lady Elizabeth? She already know your a demon" Sebastian stare at me as i stare back at him

"Well then. We have nothing to do with her so Sebastian clean this mess right now. Im gonna take a rest for this job"  i command him. Sebastian bowed and started to clean the paperworks

I exit the office and went to Elizabeth's room. I open it slowly to not make her wake up, i enter her room and close it behind and went to her bed and sit in the edge looking at her sleepy face

I sighed and put my hand to her cheek. "Ciel.." i shocked shit is she awake?!. "I love you Ciel.." i smile at her and kissed on her forehead

"I love you too Elizabeth" I said. I went beside her and sleep beside her

Elizabeth POV:

I open my eyes and started to rub it. I looked at my side i saw Ciel sleeping beside me, i smile and kissed his forehead. "Sleep tight Ciel~" i said and suddenly Ciel smirked

"Oh Lizzy.." i blushed. Shet i dont even know Ciel is awake!!!. He pinned me as he intop of me. I stare at Ciel smirking at me. "I hear you said that you love me~" He teased.

I started to blush harder as i could. HE HEAR THAT?!?!?. "Erm.. yeah Ciel. I was dreaming about you.." i looked away at him, he leaned closer to me and i feel his cold breath in my neck

Suddenly the door got open. We looked at the door, we saw Sebastian smirking. "Ara ara~"

"Sebastian.." Ciel spoke as we stare at Sebastian smirk at us

"Doing a adult things already?~" Sebastian teased, i started to blushed harder. Ciel laughed and get out of me

"Sebastian.. im still not doing some adult things for moment." I sit up in the bed and looked at Ciel. "Were gonna do that after married~" Ciel smirked as Sebastian smirked back, i blush harder and fainted

"Uhh Lizzy are you okay?" Ciel asked looking at me. I nodded and looked at the Ceiling

This is kinda akward..

Demon Fiance (Ciel x Elizabeth)Where stories live. Discover now