Chapter 13

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Elizabeth POV:

I cant stop blushing what happend yesterday!!

I started to hug my pillow and blushing what happend yesterday. "D-Did Ciel..."


Me and Ciel dance together in the hall as Sebastian doing a violin for us.

Once we finish waltzing, we went outside together with hand a hand.. its so romantic~

Ciel force me to sit in the bench in the garden in this night, so i sit in the bench even Ciel as we looked at the stars above in the skies twinkling

"The stars is so beautiful.." I looking at the stars making me calm down a little when i was so stress

"Beautiful like you Lizzy" i blushed and looked at Ciel looking at the stars same as me.

"C-ciel.." Ciel looked at me and smile, I blushed harder and looked away at him

'what is this feeling?! Why i cant looked at Ciel straight?!' I said in my mind looking down in my feet

I sighed and looked back at Ciel when i looked at him, hes staring at me making me more blush

"Lizzy.." He cupped my cheeks and leaned to me, as.. as.. we.


-Flashback ends-

"Kyaaaa!!!" I started to scream.. DID WE KISS?! DID WE REALLY KISS!!!

"hmm.. i dont even know Lizzy well be screaming because of the kiss yesterday~" i shocked with a blushed as i looked at the door, i saw Ciel smirking in the door

"C-Ciel?!" He giggled and walk towards in the bed as he sit in the bed

"Oh Lizzy.. do you like the kiss? Do you want to kiss you more~ making you mine?" Ciel teased, i puffed my cheeks and punch Ciel playfully

"Shut up" Ciel laughed at me as he kissed my forhead. "Dont worry Lizzy.. we will married as we could i promise i will never break the marriage as the marriage ends.. were gonna do the adult things~ right Cordelia?" Ciel said holding my hand, i blushed and looked away at him

He kissed my forehead again and now he kissed my lips. "Im going to get worked now. The company need me" Ciel said standing up in the bed and leave the room without closing the door

I put my hand to my lips, Ciel lips is so cold.. I blushed as i fainted in the kiss.


"Oh my Bocchan, look what you done to Lady Elizabeth" Sebastian said looking at Elizabeth in the door peeking in the door up with Ciel

"Oh shut up Sebastian"

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