Strike Commander

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The explosion knocked everyone to the ground. Gabriel's ears were ringing and his vision was spinning. Balance was a thing of the past; he wasn't getting to his feet on his own. Strong hands hoisted him to his feet and he stared dumbly at Jack for a few moments before his senses returned properly. He gave his best friend a punch to the shoulder before he turned the make sure everyone else was okay.

"Sound off, let's go," Gabriel shouted.

There was a resounding "here" from everyone and a string of curses from Torbjörn as he realized the turrets had been destroyed in the explosion. Gabriel let out a sigh of relief, picking his way over to what was left of the southward-facing wall. He crouched down behind it and peeked cautiously over the side.

Omnics were slowly picking their way through the rubble towards them. Gabriel ducked back down and gritted his teeth. They had to make the push now or everything would be gone.

"We move on my signal," he barked.

"You heard the Commander; on your feet," Jack said as he moved through the group and helped soldiers back onto their feet. "We move on the Commander's signal. Guns up and ready to fire. This is it, soldiers. We win or lose this city. Dig deep; we can do this!"

Gabriel smirked as Jack made his way back towards him.

It was a relief to have a second in command that could rally the troops when they needed it. Jack bumped his shoulder and pointed with his chin, ready to move. Gabriel nodded before he gave the signal and vaulted the wall.


"Strike Commander," Jack teased as he gave Gabriel's shoulder a light punch.

Gabriel chuckled and shoved Jack away from him. "Don't you even start with me," he teased back. "It's bad enough that I look like a clown in this suit. I don't need my sunshine showing me up."

Jack clapped his hands before him and gave him his sweetest smile. Gabriel laughed warmly. Jack would go from intimidating commander to adorable bastard in a heartbeat. It was always amazing to watch and it always gave him a warm feeling in his stomach.

"I'm hardly showing you up," Jack said as he stepped forward to fix Gabriel's tie. "Honestly, though, how can you not know how to fix your own tie? You lived in L.A. and I'm guessing cities have parties, don't they?"

"Never a talent I picked up," Gabriel smiled as he watched Jack work. "Not that I'm complaining about having you dote on me."

"Ha," Jack smirked as he tucked the bottom of the tie into Gabriel's shirt. "I'm just making sure my CO doesn't look like a dunce when he walks up to accept his promotion."

Gabriel laughed as he pulled away, straightening out his lapels as he saw Ana walk by, "you look good in your formal blues."

"Thank you, Gabe," Ana smiled. "You look good too."

Gabriel preened a little under the praise before a runner walked into the room to escort them into the hall.

They walked in to a round of applause. Jack set his shoulders back as Gabriel lifted his chin and walked proudly up to the table set aside for the Strike Team. Reinhardt and Torbjörn were already seated and grinned as the three of them walked up. Gabriel sat down in the center of the table and Jack sat on his right hand side.

The applause came to a stop and the leader of the United Nations started talking. Gabriel was only half paying attention, his gaze sliding to Jack. His partner looked beautiful, his hair combed back even though it refused to lie flat. His blue eyes were sparkling in the light, clearly excited about the announcement.

Finally, after almost a half-hour of talking, the leader of the UN smiled. "And it is my great honour to introduce the Strike Commander of the new Overwatch organization," he said. "Please, give a warm welcome to Jack Morrison."

The room exploded into applause, but the table had gone silent. Jack was ramrod straight in his seat, his blue eyes wide his horror. Gabriel's chest felt tight and bile burned in his throat. Jack Morrison. His SIC got the promotion instead of him?!

"Go," Ana hissed and elbowed Jack hard in the ribs. "Brave face and go."

Jack nodded his head and got to his feet. He almost tripped on his way up to the podium, adopting a wide smile as the leader of the UN shook his hand. Jack managed to make up an acceptance speech out of nothing, smiling for the cameras like the perfect man he was.

Gabriel felt sick as Jack was directed to an empty seat at the head table. His blue eyes darted desperately towards him, but Gabriel looked away. He couldn't look at him. Anger stirred in his gut, but he couldn't blame Jack. P

He hadn't known that the UN was going to undermine him... Right?


"I want you to be my SIC," Jack smiled. "We work so well together, Gabe. It would be a shame to let that teamwork fade away."

Gabriel set his jaw. He couldn't stand to look at Jack in the Strike Commander uniform. Suddenly, his golden hair was insulting. His white skin too perfect. Those blue eyes begging to be gouged out. That smile mocked him.

"No," he said simply.

Jack looked taken back. "No?" he asked in disbelief.

"I refuse your offer, Bastard," Gabriel growled.

Jack's blue eyes widened before swallowing angrily. "Bastard?" he demanded. "Is that what you saw me as?"

"Everyone knows you're the perfect commander," Gabriel sneered. "You'd do anything just so you could experience a little bit of power."

Jack backed up like he had been slapped. Tears sprang to his eyes before he shook his head.

"I can't believe you would say something like that," he whispered. "You, of all people." He wiped at his eyes. "Good to know you only ever saw me as something like that, Commander Reyes."

He'd gone too far. He had to apologize. Why wasn't his mouth working? He'd just spat out the things he knew would push Jack's buttons. He didn't mean it. Why couldn't he just say sorry?

Gabriel lifted his jaw as Jack grabbed something off the desk.

"Fine, you don't want to be SIC? Go work in Black Ops," Jack snapped. "You're good at that stuff, remember? Back-stabbing, lying, sabotage? Perfect job for you, Commander."

Just say sorry! What was wrong with you? This was Jack! This was your Golden Boy! Why were you doing this to him?

"Enjoy your post, Strike Commander," Gabriel snickered. "I'll make sure to put mine to good use."

Jack set his jaw as tears continued leaking out of his eyes. "See that you do, Commander. I would hate to have to report your failings to the UN,"

"I never make mistakes," Gabriel shrugged before he turned and walked away. "Don't let your ass get any fatter, Strike Commander, by sitting on it all day."

Why are you doing this?! Jack didn't deserve it! It was the UN! Why were you doing this?!

Even as the door slid shut behind him, he heard Jack's broken sob and the soft whimper of "why". Gabriel walked away down the hallway, his insides numb.

They lived through the war, but why can't they survive the peace?

Because you're a jealous piece of shit, he told himself as he walked into his washroom and stared at the mirror. You're a jealous piece of shit that can't stand the thought of his SIC getting promoted in your stead.

Jack's better off without you.


Written By Edward Kenway

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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