Act Normal

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I went through class feeling normal despite sitting next to my best friend who fucked me senseless the night before. It was sort of a silent mutual agreement to act natural. Henry, Jasper and I walk out of our class to the cafeteria which is where we normally meet Chloe and Bianca who come from their class together. Henry and Jasper go to the lunch line and I snag us a table. Chloe and Bianca sit down and greet me.

"Hey, the guys are buying lunch." I say.

"Okay, I need you guys help. I don't normally dish out personal info like this but I'm desperate. I think Henry and I are ready to connect sexually and he's not as open to the idea as I thought he'd be. Don't guys like that stuff ?" Bianca asks sincerely confused. I literally feel a pang of guilt in my heart. Chloe looks at her sympathetically.

"Well remember, Henry isn't just any guy." Chloe says.

"Yeah, he's more traditional and gentlemanly." I say. He's the opposite in bed. I internally groan at my subconscious.

"Okay but wait before I continue you two aren't virgins right?" Bianca asks and Chloe nods signifying she isn't. Both girls look at me and I slowly nod. They look at me shocked.

"Charlotte!" They yell. I groan and cover my face. Bianca scoots closer to me.

"You have to spill." She says and I shake my head.

"What no? Come on, we'll tell if you do." Chloe chimes in.

"My first was Blake, at the sophomore summer kickoff." Bianca spills. Chloe and I look at her confused.

"Henry and I were broken up then. We got together 3 days after. He was pretty upset." Bianca admits but her eyes don't hold an ounce of remorse.

"Who got upset?" Jasper asks as he and Henry sit down with 4 bags of food. Henry passes me a bag and Jasper passes Chloe a bag. Before I ask a question, Bianca pulls a salad jar out of her bag.

"My mom is doing a cleanse and I'm doing it too to support her." She explains and I nod. "Anyways, Henry, Jasper did you guys know Charlotte isn't a virgin?" Bianca spews and I face palm. I hear Jasper gasp. I look up to see Henry is looking at me pretty hard. He furrows his brow then relaxes it.

"She's a big girl, she can do what she wants." Henry says. Jasper starts laughing.

"What's funny?" I retort making him stop laughing.

"I'm NOT laughing at you. It's just that Henry is the only one that's a virgin now." Jasper laughs again. My eyes go wide as I see Henry's eyes fire up.

"I'll have you know, I enjoy being a virgin." He says calmly and I relax.

"Oh my god, you're not a virgin!" Chloe yells and I almost thought she was talking about Henry but she's looking right at me.

"Who was it?" Jasper asks and I groan.

"Okay don't tell us but just so you know my first was Chloe." Jasper says then munches on his food. Chloe slaps his arm and he winces.

"You weren't supposed to tell yet asshole." Chloe spits at him and he pouts.

"When was this ?" Bianca butts in.

"Last month." Chloe says. "And yes before you all ask he was my first." Chloe admits.

"Charlotte you have to spill now." Bianca says, she tugs slightly on my arm.

"I'd rather not." I say.

"Chaarlootteee." Jasper whines.

"Damn y'all she said she don't want to tell. Maybe she's not comfortable with telling you vultures." Henry says a little more agitated than he should be.

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