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It was only a matter of time before Chloe and Jasper became a couple. It took them I say about a whole week after Henry and Bianca broke up. Let me tell you, that week or rather last week was awkward. Bianca didn't have much friends besides us and the ones she did have were all busy during lunch. She sat with us but every time Henry spoke she cut him off or made a gagging noise. None of us said anything since we knew it to be typical Bianca behavior. But when she started taking jabs at Henry, is when he lost it a little. He wouldn't say anything in school but he took all his anger out on me after school any way he could. Whether he had 5 minutes or 50 minutes, he was on me and I wasn't any better. We decided to take a break and chill out since being sex crazed wouldn't get us anywhere.

Currently I was waiting for him to finish practice. I picked up tutoring last week and I've been working with Chloe who I didn't even know needed help. She told me not to tell anyone although I don't view wanting to do better as something to be frowned upon but I'm sticking to what she asked. I checked the clock on my phone to see it was nearly 5 o clock. Where the hell is this kid ?

"Charlotte!" I hear the devil yell my name. I shake my head and look in the direction of noise. I find Henry across the parking lot in his car waiting for me. I check both ways before darting out to the car. Once I'm inside Henry laughs at me. I buckle my seatbelt and look at him with an eyebrow raised.

"What?" I ask.

"You check both ways in a practically empty parking lot?" He asks me with a stupid smirk on his face.

"Shut up boy, drive." I say and he just continues laughing and drives off.

"Now that we are in the car where do you want to go?" He asks me.

"Henry, I am tired take me home." I say and he smiles.

"What's the magic word?" He teases.

"Now." I roar out and he shrugs.

"Wrong." He yells and I hold my ears which hurt at the sudden loudness.

"Fuck Henry." I curse as rub my ears a bit.

"Ooo that's nice but that's wrong too." He comments and I just sigh.

" Listen Mr. Pedophile-" I start but he cuts me off.

"I am no pedophile. How does being a few months older than you make me a pedophile? " He brings up and I just groan.

"Henrryyyyy, we're going the wrong waaayyy." I whine out once I notice he went in the opposite direction of my house.

"What's today Charlotte?" He asks me.

"Today is Wednesday nope I lied it's Thursday." I say quickly correcting myself.

"Exactly so what do you normally do on Thursday?" He asks and then it hits me.

"Shit. I didn't bring a new set of clothes with me." I curse at myself.

"Want me to bring you home after you help Piper?" He asks me.

"Yes please." I say and I see him nod. We finally get to his house and he pulls up in his driveway then parks the car.

"Will you have time for me?" He looks at me and asks. I look at him, those stupid lips are mocking me I can tell. He bites his lip most likely because I've been quiet too long.

"It's chill if you don't, I was just wondering." He says as he lifts his hand to scratch the back on his neck. I grab his arm and pull him close time. I kiss him and pull away after a few seconds.

"Of course I will. What do you want to do?" I ask him and he goes into idiot mode. He sits there smiling that goofy smile.

"I just want to talk, I've been holding some stuff in for a while and I want it out." He says. I nod.

"Okay, I'll do Piper for 3 hours tops and then you've got me til you drop me off home." I say and this time he nods. He catches me off guard by kissing me. I grab his face as his lips part and mine follow. Soon we're making out in the car. What makes me pull away is hearing my phone ring. I steady my breathing and now Henry and I both have stupid goofy smiles on our faces.

"Charlotte? Are you guys almost here ? I'm sorry if you are but I'll have to reschedule." a sick sounding Piper says.

"Piper are you sick ?" I ask her.

"Yeah, my allergies flared up today and I think I caught a bug from school," she coughs violently and it sounds like it hurts her throat. "Uh oh gotta go." She says and hangs up. I assume she went to either puke or poop.

"What happened?" Henry asks me.

"Pipes is sick. She caught a bug from school." I say.

"I feel bad for her. She already has terrible allergic reactions." Henry comments.

"She just told me, let's go get her flowers and a teddy bear." I say. Henry starts up the car.

"Can you make her some soup?" I ask him. He nods and backs out driveway. I get an incoming text from Piper.

Pipes 💓👯 : Sorry but yeah I'm too out of it right now. I'm going to try to rest.

Me : You do that, take it easy Pipes ❤️

Henry pulls into Dollar Tree's parking lot.

" do you have stuff for soup at home ?" I ask him.

"No, would you mind if I ran to Walmart real quick?" He asks me.

"Don't actually run." I say knowing him. He pouts. I roll my eyes. I get out the car with my phone and wallet.

"Text me when you're done." He says and I salute. I close the door and walk inside. I pick out a nice little stuffed bear holding a card that reads ' I love you p.s. feel better please'. I get 2 balloons and 6 flowers. I go to the checkout line where I come across a familiar face.

"Charlotte! Hey girl! What you up to?" Bianca says all giddy.

"Hey B, I'm buying a few things for a family member. She's really sick and has no idea I'm doing this." I say and Bianca smiles.

"You are so sweet," I notice she gets a little glint in her eye before continuing to speak , " anyways, can I ask you a question? Isn't Henry a jerk ? How are you friends with him ? He was insufferable to me." She says and I just hold my tongue knowing she's just trying to bait me.

"Henry has been my friend for a very long time and I've never seen him as a jerk. Don't try saying he was insufferable when he always tried to work with you." I say. She scoffs.

"He's got you fooled, it's okay. You'll see the real him soon and then I bet you are going to reconsider who you want to stay loyal to." She says with a smile and then turns around to finish shopping. That damn girl always has something to say. I move up in the line and greet the cashier as he scans my stuff. I pay, say my goodbyes and walk outside knowing Henry is waiting for me. I spot his car and put everything in the back seat. I get in my own seat and just sigh.

"Bianca came up to me while you were inside. She told me some shit about watching where my loyalty lies." He says.

"Huh, she said something to me inside about being loyal to you." I comment.

"Let's talk on it later. Mom texted me that Piper's temperature rose to 102 then dropped to 96. The doctor is on his way and I admit I'm scared I don't know what the hell kind of bug this is." He says and my heart hurts. Before I can say anything our phones go off. I check mine to see it's a text from Bianca.

B 😒 : Tell Piper I said sorry, she was only supposed to be sick for an hour.

"WHAT THE FUCK? WHERE IS THIS BITCH ?" Henry growls out instantly sounding deadly and becoming enraged.

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