Question of Character

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"Henry, look at me." I say but before I notice it he's gone. I jump out the car and go as fast as I can inside the store. I look around for him but I don't see him anywhere. I get back to the car to find he's not there. I check to see if he has his phone which he doesn't. If he went around looking for her he'll blow his cover.

Just then I hear some banging coming from the back of the store. I walk around to find Henry punching the garbage dump thingy.

"Henry." I call out but he doesn't answer.

"Okay just listen. No matter what Bianca did, she's not worth losing our cool over. Yeah I want to pull her hair out and beat her with it but I could be helping Piper get better which is what I really want. I think we should just go home. I'll stay over tonight if you want but please just calm down a little." I say trying to talk some sense into him. He just carries on punching. Well, nice to know I have no affect on him whatsoever. I just turn around and head back to the car where I figure I'll wait for him to stop. I pick up my phone and decide to text Bianca.

Me : What did you do ?

B😒 : I gave her the wrong drink, I was experimenting in my pharmacist training class and I saw her afterwards. We had the same bottle but mine had my mystery liquid mix from class and I was supposed to take it home and figure out what was in it. We accidentally switched bottles but as soon as I noticed I found her and gave her the right one but she had already drank some.

Wow, who gives a mystery liquid mix for a student to take home ?

Me : Okay well thanks for explaining all that. I'll be sure to tell her and Henry.

B😒 : Thank you so so much ! See ya in school ☺.

Yeah I'm not replying to that one.

I get in the car and decide it'll be best to wait for Henry to get back so we can go. I really should have just gotten my permit when I was supposed. I'm probably one of  7 teens at my school that don't have their permit.

The driver's door opening pulls me out my thoughts. Henry gets in and before I open my mouth he grabs my hand and kisses my knuckles. He looks at me with tears in his eyes. I immediately grab his hands.

"Hen! What happened, you okay ?" I ask him worried. He shakes his head no fervently.

"I'm scared Char. The last time Piper got sick we almost lost her. Her immune system is fine and all but her organs can go into failure at any given moment. The last time she got the cold, her lungs nearly gave out. The doctors don't know why and we can't ask them to do any more research because they've already done everything. I can't lose my sister." Henry pours out to me and he just breaks down. I've never seen Henry cry and I've also never known Piper had such a condition. I am shocked but I know Henry needs a friend right now.

"Hey, Hen. I'm here, listen we're not losing her. Come on, we've got you, me and Schwoz to help if anything goes wrong which it won't. I spoke to Bianca and it was just a test bottle from her pharmacy class so if anything it's probably just some medicine that didn't mix well with Piper's stomach. She should be able to flush it out with a little cleanse." Henry nods and wipes his eyes.

"Hey, kiss me." I tell him and he quickly pecks my lips but he doesn't pull away. I pull away and rest my forehead on his. We look each other right in the eyes.

"We're not losing her. Not today and not to this little pharmacist mishap, okay ?" I tell him and he just nods. He pecks my lips and pulls away. He grabs my hand again and squeezes it.

"Thanks Char. I don't know what I'd do without you." He says finally.

"You don't have to thank me. I care about you and your family which has become my family. I'm just looking out for you." I say.

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