I'm Over It

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"Henry Hart !" I yell at him making him stop in the middle of the empty hallway.

"Charlotte, I'm trying with you. I really am. I understand that right now everyone is uncomfortable with seeing us but it's not about them. It's about you and me. Our friends, I'm talking actual friends here, are excited for us. You're the only one stopping us right now." Henry spews at me and although he's right, I'm not going to accept it.

"Well you know what ? If I'm such a problem, then I guess everyone was right. We don't belong together." I say and I huff then walk away to the bathroom. He didn't even try to stop me. My phone rings and I look to see Henry is calling me. I reject the call and just stare in the mirror.

He's better off without me anyways. He can focus on sports and being a superhero when need be. I'd only get in his way.

I walk out of the bathroom to see Henry.

"Didn't I just end things with you ?" I ask harshly.

"No, you just said we dont belong together. But that's false and you know it Char. I'm not leaving you so if you want to you're gonna have to look me in the eyes and say you don't love me." He says and I sigh.

"You're insufferable." I groan out.

"And you're on your period." He mutters and I freeze in my steps.

"How'd you know that ?" I ask him.

"Come on, you think I don't notice you getting slightly cranky and on edge every month ? You get extra snappy and wake up angry every day. I put 2 and 2 together." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Is school not over yet ?" I ask.

"Class hasn't even started. Now stop avoiding me. What's up with you ?" Henry asks and I just sigh loudly.

"I'm just sick of Bianca's sly ass comments. I can't say anything back because I'm not going to look as silly as her but I just want to scratch her eyeballs out." I say and Henry laughs.

"Yes because that's normal. She'll let up eventually and listen, she's mad I chose you. You have me and she doesn't. That's all that matters right ?" He tries to reason. I just nod my head.

"Yeah, just let's not act like a couple in school?" I suggest and Henry's face drops.

"Are you shitting me ? You really think if we act like we're not dating she won't try coming onto me ? " He says and I shrug.

"She'll leave me the fuck alone." I mumble.

"Wow thanks babe. You'd rather her bother me than you. Do you even realize it's not just you that she's bothering ? She makes it a point everyday afterschool to stay at Chloe's house and talk to her about pointless things. She pesters Jasper in Spanish class and she just loves trying to apologize to Piper and become her friend. Honestly, she leaves 'anonymous' love notes in my locker. We're all dealing with her pointless shit here." Henry says clearly annoyed. I roll my eyes.

"Okay but -"

"But fucking nothing Charlotte. You know what, we don't have to act like a couple. If my stupid ex makes you want to hide us then maybe we should rethink us in the first place." He snips at me and walks away.

Geez, I thought I was cranky. I'm the one on my period and he's all catching an attitude. I just groan and walk into the cafeteria. I buy my lunch and look around for Chloe and Jasper but I don't find them. I sigh and just start to leave the lunchroom until I see Bianca making her way towards me. She stops in front of me and smiles.

"Hey girl, you alone today ? Cause if you are, I am too. We should be alone together." She says. I smirk.

"Technically, we're not alone if we're together but either way, hard pass." I say and she laughs obnoxiously.

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