Pretty Little Scar

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saw you the other day
beautiful boy born in May
with your pretty eyes and fair face
you stood out well in this place
but that's really all you are
now you're just a pretty little scar

talked to you last week
I've always been a bit shy & meek
lovely face and nice personality
but I guess "we" just aren't meant to be
and if "just friends" is all we are
this will make a pretty little scar

you left last month
I'll say it for the millionth
I am over you
even if it's not exactly true
a part of me died
every time you lied
but now all "we" are
is a pretty little scar.

you left me May 'fifteen
oh, we were a dream
but you put knives through my heart
you tore us apart
"we fight too much," you said
I had no will to get out of bed
after all we had, now all we are
is only a pretty little scar.

dangerous bad boy,
thought I'd try and toy
I wanted to give it a try
walk on the wild side
you, your vices and photos
a crush faster than any motor
it's probably better I didn't get too far,
but we woulda made a pretty little scar

dying sad guy
I should've seen your lie
please recall, this shan't be blurry
hell hath no wrath like my fury
all we ever were
is nothing
paving way for hurting
a road made of tar
so this has made a pretty little scar

man who has left a mark
you left in the dark
the pain almost killed me
was everything fake
my heart will only ache
until you end this break
but so far
this has made the biggest
pretty little scar

May.2013 - September 2016

A/N: still progressing...

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