Because I'm a Girl

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Because I'm a girl

I can't go out shirtless

Because it's illegal.?//

Because I'm a girl

I can't ask a boy out

Without being judged//

Because I'm a girl

I will only make seventy-five cents to every dollar a man does//

Because I'm a girl

I can't make my own decisions

Without being called names//

Because I'm a girl

It's ok for me to get harassed because

"Boys will be boys"//

Because I'm a girl

I'm doomed to an eternity of being told

"Shut up & make me a sandwich"//

Because I'm a girl

I need to be constantly

On guard against guys//

Because I'm a girl

Am I automatically weak?!

But one kick and any of you are down//

Because I am a girl

I am less than you?

I am powerless?!//

Because I'm a girl//

I am not scared to beat the shit

Out of any guy who thinks that

I am nothing

Because I am a girl.//



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