Chapter 3: Revelation

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Blerg. Sorry it's been so long guys, I kinda sorta maybe had an existential crisis (if you don't know what that is go to YouTube and look up DanIsNotOnFire's video about it) and completely just didn't feel like doing anything, so I kinda sorta maybe haven't left my house for a mouth or so :D. Yeah... Meaning No School=No Phone. Fun. NOT. So anyways, I was not feeling the Creative Goo of Awesomeness in me so this chapter is likely to be complete shit and I had a hell of a time writing it. About eight times. I HATE WRITING THE BEGINNING OF STORIES. Again, SUPER fun. Anyways, I'll go and, like, cry in a corner or something >_> Read the chapter. Leave me lies about how awesome it is so I can feel good inside and stuff. Yayyy... Blerg.

~Dianna's POV~ (Ugh, it's her)

"You're my mate."

I feel a slight curiosity as to what the oddly familiar word means, and why this is so important he decided to have a private conversion with Dianna The Eccentric.

Figuring that he'd explain eventually, I remain silent and stare at him blankly for a while, watching with detached interest as slowly his face becomes more and more irritated as the silence stretches on.

Finally, with a little huff that I'm surprised to find has me smiling internally at his childlike behavior, he snaps out with obvious restraint, "Well? Have you nothing to say?"

Continuing my silent appraisal of him, I wonder when I can leave this room without seeming rude. Taking light, inconspicuous sniffs of the air, I ponder at the strength of his scent and why it's so intoxicating to me. What makes him different from every other hormonal teenage guy in the hallways? I know he's a werewolf, that much is obvious, but half the school secretly scratches behind their ears in the afternoon, so that's nothing new. So what then?

"Hello? Anybody in there?"

I start slightly as his voice--some part of me (a very unhelpful part, that is) points out that it's a very nice voice--and purse my lips slightly as I start thinking again. Will he eventually go away if I just remain silent? What if he doesn't? I haven't spoken in, what, nine years? Why start again now?

Again, I'm snapped out of my thoughts, but this time it's by him reaching towards me. As I realize what he's trying to do, I automatically flinch away and hop up from my chair, darting around it so that it stand between us.

It's only as I'm staring at his gaping mouth that I realize it all couldn't have taken more than 2 seconds.

Oh, way to go Dianna, you spend your entire life trying to hide the fact that you're different, and then you go and blow it in front of what is likely to be the mouthiest werewolf in 5 miles with your luck. Fantastic. I wonder how this day could get any better.

I mentally face palm.

"What did-? How did you-"

Leaving him to his--undeniably cute--rambling, I take my chance and flee out the door and run for the front of the library, panicking slightly as I hear him behind me.


Surprised by how much I feel compelled to do just that, I run faster until I'm passed the startled librarian and out the door, turning down the hallway and around the corner where I vault out the doors and disappear from sight.

~Ashton's POV~ (yipee!)

I burst out the library doors and look around me, trying to see where she (I had confirmed that it was, in fact, a she) went, feeling frustrated as I grudgingly acknowledge that this girl has an annoying knack for remaining hidden when she wants to be.

Turning left, I head for the cafeteria, hoping but at the same time knowing that it isn't where she disappeared to.

Stopping just inside the doors, I scan the room and can't help but feel disappointed even though I knew she wouldn't be there, and head on over to my usual table where Lee's waving me over.

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