Chapter 4

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Park Sung Ah POV

I had called Mi Seo to tell her about what happened and, as I had expected, She wasn't very happy, but I could convince her.


I got my phone out of the pocket, Searching for Mi Seo number. I pressed call and she instantly picked it up.

"Spill" She was clearly impatient.

I sighed, "Okay,soooooooooo..." I trailed on feeling very nervous about how to tell tell her.

"YAH! SUNG AH" She startled me.


"WHAT, ARE YOU CRAZY?" Yup, totally pissed. "Sung Ah, But I thought you liked Jungkook?" She spoke softly.

"Aish, What to do, Mi Seo, look I already Know that he doesn't like me so why should I even bother. Also, Taehyung asked me first" I tried explaining it to her.

"Yea, But don't you think you should think about it? I mean he never bothered to talk to you until today and all of a sudden out of the blue he ask yo to be his girlfriend? Don't you think it's weird?" She seemed worried, and I don't blame her, She was right.

"Yeah, It is. But Why don't I give it a shot, Hmm?" I asked her hopefully.

"Aish, This girl. Fine. Go for it. But don't come to me if he breaks your heart" She scolded. I grinned like an idiot, Happy that she supported me.

"Yah, Don't say that. Also, Should I tell Eun Taek now?" I asked

"I guess you should, He does deserve to know" She reasoned

"Yea, You're right, I'll call you later" I spoke. But before I could cut  the call, She spoke again.

"Um, Sung Ah?"

"Yeah, Mi Seo?" I said, Putting the phone back to my ear.

"He's here with me right now. Speak to him" She said a bit nervously. He was with her? What?

"..O-Okay" Her nervousness made me even more nervous for some reason.

"Hey, Sung Ah" He brought me back from my thoughts with his cheerful greeting.

"Hello, Taek-Ah" I smiled. This kid.

"So you're gonna date him?" I guess he already heard at the rate of how Mi Seo was yelling.

I chuckled, "Yes, Taek-Ah. You'll support me won't you"

"Why not, Sung Ah, We're both here for you" I could feel him smile on the other side. But then I remembered something.

"Yah, Eun Taek, What are you doing with Mi Seo? Isn't it late?" I asked him wondering why even they were together. Either I was too dense to catch up with something or they weren't telling me something.

"No, Sung Ah, We were just hanging out. We were bored and since you were out and Soo Ah couldn't join us, We had gone to get Ice- Cream." He explained. Oh.

"Oh, Okay, anyway, wish you both goodnight. Bye, Eun Taek" I wished him and cut the call.


Then, I remembered about what happened earlier today. I started blushing really hard.

Maybe I should call him? I had his number with me.

But, It's okay, I'll tell him at school. I grinned like an idiot and went to change into my pajamas.

"Sung Ah, Dinner's Ready!" My mom called.

"Coming!" I called back. I kept my phone on my bedside table and went downstairs to eat only to be greeted with an almost unpleasant sight.

"Eomma?" I called which caused her to pull away from his hug.

"Ah, Sung Ah, Look at who decided to drop by" She said looking at Jungkook. He smiled at her and looked at me and winked. What even?

"Mrs Park, How are you?" He started a conversation, With her leading him to the sofa.

"I'm good, Jungkook Ah, How are you darling?" I scoffed at the way she called him darling, as though he was her own son. I walk to the kitchen to see my dad making his way to the living room.

"Hey Appa" I smiled at him, Making him look at me.

"Hi" He replied shortly and went to the living room. "Jungkook! My son! How are you?Is everything well in your house? How's school?" He attacked him with questions a d hugged him. Yah, Since when is he a child of this house. But then , I remembered when we were small, How he used to be my parent's pet. He was their favourite. I was shocked at the feeling of jealousy I had just by looking at the three of them.

"They should be asking me those questions..." I murmured softly to myself, tears threatening to spill. No, I can't let him see me like this. That's probably why he showed up in the first place. I sat down on one of the chairs in the dining room waiting for my parent to come join me for dinner. I started playing with my hands when my mom walked in with Jungkook.

"He'll be eating dinner with us today, won't you Jungkook Ah?" She looked at him.

"Ne, Mrs Park" He smiled at me. Yeah, sure. Just because I was good to you at school doesn't mean anything. Get lost.

I tried not to react too much, So I just smiled back at him nodding my head.

Jungkook sat beside me and my parents sat across from us. The whole time I just sat there quietly, Munching slowly, Losing my appetite with every bite.

While I was excluded, They seemed to enjoy themselves talking and laughing with each other...Like a real family.He always seemed to bring this side of them. I smiled sadly at he thought.

I'm probably in the most pitiful state right now.

All of a sudden, My mom asked a very unexpected question,"Yah, Jungkook AH. You won't leave us again, Will you?" She looked at him sadly. With a lump in my throat, I stood up with a bowed head."I will be going now, excuse me"

I was about to leave when I thought I would be too rude in front of my parents without acknowledging Jungkook existence.

To be continue

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