Diagon Alley

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I was in shock. This enormous man just breaks the door down and says hello. I realized I was still staring at him when a sound like a cat coughing up a hairball broke me from my shock. The giant had cleared his throat.

Uncle Vernon started stuttering words telling the rather large man off for breaking in.

"Oh dry up Dursley, you great prune!" He said, annoyed at Uncle Vernon. He then proceeded to tie the shotgun Uncle Vernon had managed to find in his haste to get downstairs into a pretzel not.

I decided to speak up. "Excuse me?" I said quietly. The huge man turned around to look at me.

"Who are you, if I may ask?" He just smiled at sat down on the rickety old couch.

"Rebeus Hagrid, Gamekeeper at Hogwarts," He said with a smile under his bushy beard.

"Of course you'll know all about Hogwarts."

"I'm sorry, but no," I said with a confused look on my face. What was Hogwarts?

"No? Blimey Harry didn't ya' ever 'onder where yer mum and dad learned it all?"

"Learn what?" I asked, even more confused then before.

"Yer a wizard 'Arry." He said seriously.

I then started telling about how unmagical I was.

Hagrid handed me an envelope. I turned it over to see the seal I had been waiting to rip open.

I opened carefully though. I pulled out an old fashioned piece of parchment and read:

Dear Mr. Potter,

I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Term begging September 1st . We expect your owl no later than July 31st.

Minerva McGonagall

I then found a supply list.

"We'll we better get going then. 'Arry, we have to get yer school supplies." I hesitated as I followed Hagrid out the tiny doorway. I looked back at the Dursleys', and then walked out.

We arrived shortly after at a dingy little pub on the outskirts of London. We walked in and met a frightning looking man named Tom.

He said my name loud enough for every one to hear and suddenly I was bombarded by old witches and wizard sitting in the pub.

After slobbery kiss on the cheeks from elderly witches and a whole lot of handshakes, Hagrid grabbed my now sore from handshakes hand and pulled me through the back door.

Hagrid took out a pink umbrella and started tapping random bricks on the walls. I thought he had gone insane.

Finally the bricks pushed apart to reveal a cobblestones street so crowded we could barely walk. There was so many places to look that I wished I had several more eyes just to see everything.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley. Now let's get yer robes firs' " he said as he pulled out my supply list.

We walked into a quiet and almost empty store. It wasn't completely empty though I could see the back of a kid about my age with bleach blond hair.

The lady at the counter told me to go stand Blondie. We started talking about Hogwarts, and what houses we wanted to be in. Of course , I didn't know what the houses we're.

The kid seemed pretty snooty to me. I decided to ignore him and just answer at the right times.

Then, I looked at my right to see that girl had come to stand on my other side. She saw me look at her and turned to look at me. We just stated at each other for a moment.

"Hi, I'm Lindsay." She said with a smile.

"Harry" I smiled back.

And that was the start of an amazing friendship.


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