No More Dursleys'

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"POTTER!!!!!!!" Aunt Petunia screamed. Ugh. I hate my life. Always locked up in this stupid cupboard. "Yes?" I replied with a hint of annoyance in my voice. "DON'T YOU DARE USE THAT TONE OF VOICE WITH ME MISTER!" My loving aunt yelled. More the sarcasm. Well, I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Harry James Potter. I am named after my father, and my great uncle. Even though I never knew my father, I miss him dearly. My aunt and uncle raised me. They said they died in a car crash when I was a year old. I guess I better face Aunt Petunia now. I sat up slowly, put on my crooked glasses, and unlocked the cupboard door. I walked sleepily into the kitchen. "Potter! Start on the bacon! I want everything to be perfect for my Dudley's special day! I absolutely positively LOATHE Dudley. He uses me as a human punching bag. "Dudley, go get the post."said Uncle Vernon. Uncle Vernon was a short, fat ,pig-faced version of Dudley. I know where Dudley gets his good looks from. *Cough cough* Sarcasm*Cough cough. Make Harry get it! Dudley whined. "Harry go get the post." He said without looking up from his paper. "Make Dudley get it." I said smartly. Uncle Vernon looked up and glared at me. Guess it doesn't work on me. I sighed and made my way to the mail slot. I bent down to pick it up, and heard a crack. "Owww" I said. That sad excuse for a mattress is literally breaking my back.

I looked at the letter on the top of the stack. Bill, bill, bill, bi-what? I looked down to see a letter with my name on it. 'To Mr. H. Potter, Cupboard under the stairs, Little Whinging, Surrey.' I couldn't believe it. Me, Harry Potter, the one that everyone ignores, got a letter!

"POTTER! POST! " Uncle Vernon bellowed. " Coming! " I yelled back.

I took the post to Uncle Vernon, starting to open my own letter along the way. Dudley saw me with the letter in my hand, and snatched it from me.

"Dad! Harry's got a letter! Dudley exclaimed.

"What? Who would be writing to you?" Uncle Vernon said incredulously.

"That's my letter!" I said. Before I could say anything else, Uncle Vernon ripped up the letter. Ugh! What did I do to deserve this?





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