Chapter Three

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Jacobs POV

You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down

About thirty minutes after school I get her text.

{ ☻ - Julia ☹ - Jacob }

☻ Hey I'm coming over now

☹ Ok! Thats great(:

☻ Uh so what's the address? lol

☹ Oh haha it's 2012 Granite Ash. Avenue

☻ Well that's not that far so I should be their in 15

☹ Thats good, see you soon

☻ Yup


Quickly, I save her number in my phone then tossing it on my bed, laying back in an exhale. I look over my shoulder seeing my guitar, picking it up and slightly strumming the strings.

I sit up, playing and improving thinking about Julia the whole time. She was perfect.


~ ding dong ~

I jump up and run to the door.

I take a long breath and open it slowly.

"Hey" she says

"Hey" I smile at her, "Come on in."

She enters and I lead her to my room.

"Okay, so you can set your stuff on the desk. I mean if you want, you know you don't have to." I say sounding like such a dork.

She smiles and places her bag on the desk then sitting in the spinning computer chair.

"So where shall we begin?" She asks taking out her notebook.

"We'll I have some ideas" I reply trying my hardest not to stutter. "Maybe we can make a little animation, or create a poster" I suggest slowly.

She nods as if trying to process what I was hinting.

"Either would be cool with me" she says spinning in the chair.

I laugh "having fun their?"

She smiles in return, "yes actually".

Her eyes set on my guitar. "Hey do you play?"

"Um yeah a little" I say grabbing it.

"Can I see it for a sec?" She asks slightly pointing to it.

"Of coarse" I say handing it to her. "Here"

She starts strumming playing a few notes at a time. Then she begins playing a piece that sounds very familiar. While she begins to hum along to it I notice it was the song my mom used to always play to me when I was younger.

"That's beautiful" I say stunned at how talented she is.

"Thanks" She replies smiling handing it back. "But now, it's your turn to play something" She smiles looking anxiously at me.

"Well okay" I say a little unsure and begin playing.

After a while of winging it I decide to sing to her.

~ What would I do without your smart mouth.

~ Drawing me in and you kicking me out.

~ You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down

~ What's going on in that beautiful mind.

~ I'm on your magical mystery ride.

~ And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright.

"Um and yeah" I say placing the guitar back on its stand.

"That is amazing" She says. "You are really, really good."

"No not really" I say smiling a little looking down.

"You are, trust me" She says.

After this we go into a pretty awkward silent moment.

"Hey! I have an idea" she says breaking the silence. "Maybe we can write a song!"

"I don't know..."

"Come on it will be great!"


"Please for me" She said pouting. Honestly I couldn't resist.

"Ok fine" I say caving in.

"Yes!" She exclaimed leaping forward to hug me.

I feel myself melt inside while holding her in my arms. After a while we let go and begin discussing what we plan on doing for the song. By about 7; o'clock we have most of it done and she has to go.

"Ok I think I will finish it and look over it tonight" I say escorting her to the door.

"That'd be great!" She says smiling.

"Well bye" I smile as she waves and walks down the drive way.

Once she gets to the side walk I slowly close the door, close my eyes and lean my back on the face of it.

I open them enlightened and walk back up to my room.

I finish the song at around 8:30 and place it in my backpack.

I thump over to my bed and plop onto it thinking of how amazing today went, eventually drifting asleep.

All of Me // Jacob WhitesidesWhere stories live. Discover now