"Min Yoongi... Min Yoongi...." Jimin sat at the table, flipping through old yearbooks. "Aha!" Jimin slammed his finger down on the picture. "Min Yoongi! It's really him! Min Yoongi!" Jimin yelled.
"Hyung, why the hell are you yelling?" Jungkook walked into the dining room, finding Jimin bouncing up and down excitedly in a chair at the table.
"Min Yoongi! The man I saw Yesterday!" Jimin tapped on the picture.
"Okay calm down. It's 7 A.M and we have neighbors. Do you want people to think we are having rough sex or something, I mean, they're all already convinced we are together, so I wouldn't be surprised" Jungkook shushed Jimin and chuckled a bit.
"Oops, sorry. But that is definitely him." Jimin said, laughing as well. "He's actually kind of cute."
"Hyung! He's a serial killer!" Jungkook hit Jimin upside the head.
"You know I have a thing for the bad boys." Jimin winked at the younger which earned him another slap.
"You give me headaches." Jungkook face palmed. "Get ready for work, you're gonna be late."
"Yes, mom." Jimin mocked his younger friend. He walked into his room and put his work uniform on. At the time, he was working part time as a waiter at a local restaurant.
"Bye, Kookie!" Jimin yelled as he shut the door. He heard Jungkook yell back something inaudible. He then began walking down flights of stairs.
He walked out onto the sidewalk and headed off to work. He enjoyed walking much more than taking a taxi because of the interesting people he always sees when he walks. He turned into the same alleyway where the previous nights incident had happened. There was crime scene tape around the exact spot where the guy was pinned to the wall. Jimin stopped for a while to look at it until some police ushered him away from it and he continue to walk to work.
His manager walked up to him. "Jimin, just the guy I wanted to see. I need to ask you a favor." He moved to the side, revealing a small, frail man with blonde hair. He was looking down at his phone until the manager scoffed, he looked up and a worried look appeared on his face once he saw Jimin. "This is Min Suga, he's new." Jimin laughed at the rookies name.
"Sugar, huh?" Jimin smiled and bit his lip. "I'm Jimin, Park Jimin." He reached his hand out to shake Suga's hand.
"That sounds like a girls name, and it's Suga not 'sugar'" He shook Jimin's hand.
"Looks like you two are gonna get along just fine. Jimin, show him the ropes. Have a nice day!" He gave a fake smile to Suga and walked off.
"Follow me, I'll start with a tour." Jimin led Suga down to the basement where the walk in freezer was. "So this is the- What the fuck!" Jimin yelled as he was pushed up against the wall.
"Who the fuck did you tell." Suga pushed Jimin further back. Jimin's head hit the wall and he winced at the pain. "Answer me!" Suga yelled.
"I-I don't know what your talking about, Suga." Jimin was confused at the sudden aggression.
"About last night, who the fuck did you tell." Suga gritted his teeth.
Jimin blinked a few times and blurred out "Min Yoongi!"
Suga covered the smaller boy's mouth. "Shut the fuck up. Now tell me, who. Did. You. Tell." He said. "Huh? The cops?"
Jimin gulped. "I- I didn't tell anybody I swear. Please don't kill me." Jimin closed his eyes tightly, preparing for the worst.
Yoongi let go of Jimin. "Listen kid, if you let anybody about this, I will fucking kill you." Yoongi said. "And don't call me Yoongi in public."
"Let's continue with the tour, shall we?" Jimin said, cleaning himself off and putting on a fake smile.
This rewrite is gonna be good 😈

Fanfiction"Let's kill him before he gets a chance to kill you" "You are fucking crazy, Jimin." «Jimin has a habit of being in the wrong place at the wrong time» Started: 6/14/17 Ended: 7/6/17