Suga tossed his phone around in his hands impatiently. He was waiting for Jimin to text him, tell him he was okay or something. He heard a knock on the door and he jumped to his feet, practically sprinting to the door. He opened it, expecting it to be Jimin, but no, it was Jin And Jungkook.
"Have you seen Jimin?" Jin asked as Suga opened the door.
"No, have you guys heard from him at all?" Suga let them into the apartment.
"Not since last night after the show." Jin said.
"Fucking hell." Suga plopped down onto the couch.
"Oh god. What if he got kidnapped.... or worse." Jungkook said.
"Don't say that." Jin slapped him on the shoulder.
"Wait, Jin did you walk home with him last night?" Suga asked.
"Half of the way, then I decided to walk home." Jin shrugged.
"Did you see anybody suspicious at the show?" Suga asked carefully.
"Um no, but now that I think about it, there was a creepy looking guy with sunglasses and bright purple hair." Jin said.
"Namjoon......" Suga said quietly.
"Fuck." Jungkook stated.
"Yah! Language!" Jin scolded the younger. "Anyways, we need to know where we could find him, any idea?"
"Hell if I know, he keeps it top secret."Suga pondered for a while until his phone rang. And unknown caller ID appeared on the screen.
"Hello?" Suga said.
"Hey, Suga. Lookin' for somebody?" The man spoke, Suga could hear the evil smirk in his voice.
"Give him back, don't hurt him. Please." Suga pleaded desperately.
"Not until I have my money." Namjoon said bitterly.
"You said tomorrow." Suga stared to get angry.
"Yeah and if you don't have it by then, you and your little boyfriend are both dead." Namjoon said and then hung up.
"Shit..." Suga dropped his phone onto the floor.
"Okay we have to call the cops" Jin said.
"No they'll take me too." Suga said with fear.
"So you would rather you and your boyfriend die?" Jungkook scoffed.
"Good point. You call them." Suga bit his lip and turned around. "But don't do it here." He said.
Jin and Jungkook exited the apartment. Suga walked into his room and grabbed a suitcase and started throwing clothes and shoes in it. He grabbed a backpack and threw all of his toiletries and stuff into it. He walked out of his room and into the living room and inhaled deeply. He pulled out his phone and googled bus tickets to Deagu.
He took one finally look at the apartment and then walked out the door.

Fanfiction"Let's kill him before he gets a chance to kill you" "You are fucking crazy, Jimin." «Jimin has a habit of being in the wrong place at the wrong time» Started: 6/14/17 Ended: 7/6/17