Jimin woke up and rubbed his eyes. He looked at the clock.
10:35 am
"Shit I'm late for work!" He shot up off the couch and ran out of his room and threw on his uniform. "Shit shit shit shit." He cursed under his breath and ran out the door. He ran the entire way to work. He barged in and checked in. He walked into the kitchen and saw Suga.
"Hey Suga!" He waved.
"You're late." Suga said as he looked down while washing dishes.
"I know. I didn't hear my alarm." Jimin explained.
"Get to work, ChimChim." Suga ordered.
They washed dishes silently until Jimin said something.
"So about last night-" Jimin said, but Suga cut him off by slamming a plate into the sink.
"What about last night, it was nothing. Now can we please just keep working in silence." Suga yelled.
"Sorry.." Jimin mumbled under his breath.
After the shift ended, Suga was the first to leave. Jimin followed him quickly.
"Jimin, I know you're following me. Go home already." Suga shooed him away.
"Why do you hate me?" Jimin stopped in his tracks. Suga turned on his heels and looked at Jimin.
"I don't hate you." He sighed " I actually like you, a lot. And that's the problem." Jimin paused for a moment.
"Then why did you leave last night? After-" Suga interrupted Jimin before he could say it out loud.
"Jimin go home." Suga said turning back around.
"But Yoongi- I mean Suga-" Jimin stopped abruptly.
"What the fuck did you just call me?." Suga said, pulling Jimin into and alley by the front of his shirt. "I thought I told you to never call me that in public." He threw Jimin against the wall.
"I'm sorry I slipped." Jimin said, pushing Suga away.
Suga exhaled sharply. "It's dark out. It's not safe for you to walk home by yourself. I'll walk with you." He said, changing the subject.
He grabbed Jimin's hand and walked with him to his apartment. They didn't speak, but Suga kept a tight hold on Jimin's hand the entire time.
"Why is it a bad thing?" Jimin asked as they walked up the stairs to Jimins apartment.
"Whys what a bad thing?" Suga responded hesitantly.
"That you like me a lot." Jimin finished.
Suga let go of his hand as Jimin for the key out of his pocket. They walked inside. "Because I kill people." Suga got choked up. "And I'm not proud of it. I do it for the money." Suga said, holding back tears. "People like me don't deserve to be loved."
"What is it like?" Jimin said quietly.
"Well. There's a lot of guilt, I mean, I take innocent people's lives, and for what? The money, of course." Suga cried out.
Jimin brought him in for a hug. "Then why do you still do it."
"Like I said, the money." Suga calmed down a bit.
"It's okay..." Jimin didn't know what else to say. They sat in silence for a while.
"I should probably get going." Suga said as he stretched his arms and legs out, causing Jimin to lift his head off of the older boy's chest.
"No, stay. It's late and we don't have work tomorrow," Jimin grabbed ahold of his hand. "You can sleep in my bed, I'll sleep on the couch." Jimin insisted.
"Okay." Yoongi didn't want to try to argue as he was already tired enough.

Fanfiction"Let's kill him before he gets a chance to kill you" "You are fucking crazy, Jimin." «Jimin has a habit of being in the wrong place at the wrong time» Started: 6/14/17 Ended: 7/6/17