Chapter 6

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Suga had left and Jimin was sitting on the couch watching tv with Jungkook.

"You know, I heard the entire conversation you had with Suga in the bathroom. Or should I say Yoongi?" Jungkook said out of nowhere.

"I have no clue what you're talking about; Kookie." Jimin said without hesitating.

"Don't play me like I'm dumb. I'm not stupid, I know that Suga-Hyung is Min Yoongi." Jungkook snapped.

"Shh you can't just say that out loud." Jimin shushed Jungkook.

"Listen, I don't care if 'he's changed' or 'he's a different person now' it's not safe for you to be with him." Jungkook said.

"Okay first of all, I did not say anything like that at all." Jimin got an attitude. "And second of all, I can be with whoever I damn please."

"He a murderer. He kills people for fun." Jungkook crossed his arms and sat back into the couch.

"Um, what?." Jimin was baffled at Jungkook's remark. "If you eaves drop on our conversations so much then you would know that he doesn't kill people for fun." Jimin spat. "He's a hit man. He doesn't do it anymore anyways."

"Don't try to defend him." Jungkook scoffed.

"Stop saying shit about him. You don't even know him." Jimin started yelling.

"Haha and like you do? You've know this guy for a month and a half and your suddenly 'madly in love' with him." Jungkook raised his voice back.

Jimin scoffed and walked off to his room. He started throwing clothes into a backpack and walks back into the living room where Jungkook still sat on the couch.

"I'm going to Suga's." Jimin said before opening the door.

"Yeah, have fun fucking a murderer." Jungkook waved.

"Yeah, I will." Jimin rolled his eyes and slammed the door shut. He made his way out of the building.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and clicked on Yoongis contact.

"Pick up pick up pick u-" Jimin was cut off.

"Hey." Suga picked up after two rings.

"Thank god you answered. I'm on my way to your house. I'll explain when I get there. Love you bye" Jimin hung up before Suga could answer.

Jimin arrived at Suga's apartment and knocked on the door. Suga answered.

"Hey. Come in." He said. Grabbing Jimin's hand and pulling him in. They sat down on the couch. "Why are you here?" Suga asked.

"It's Jungkook." Jimin sighed, looking down at their joined hands. "We got in a fight and now I'm here." Jimin but his lip, hesitating to say the next part. "And he knows."

Suga's eyes widened and he let go of Jimin's hand. "Why did you tell him?" he was getting angry.

"I didn't tell him anything I swear. He heard over our conversation in the bathroom earlier." Jimin calmed him down.

"Well shit." Suga said, rubbing his eyes, then sitting back down on the couch.

Jimin grabbed his hand again and looked him in the eyes. "It'll be fine, Suga. I know Kook, he's too much of a wuss to tell anybody." 

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