Chapter 1

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"Yunji. Get the head general and tell him to come to the assembly hall immediately" The king had announced to me.

As head maid, it was my job to do as he asked and to task the other maids who are under my supervision.

My parents had used my by selling me off to become a maid in the palace. I had kept in touch with my grandmother somehow, the person closest to me.

She was considered to be the crazy lady of my kingdom i guess you could call it. The funny thing is, I get her completely. She seemed to be the person with the most sense here.

I dashed off to collect the head general who i happened to run to in the halls. He saw me and nodded, seeming to understand why I was there.

Eventually my shift ended and it was time to go home, not that i had much a home to go to. All i had was my grandmothers home on the outskirts of the city.

"Sit down, I've prepared dinner for you already" my grandmother immediately said once I arrived. She seemed to be in a hasty mood today...

She turned on the TV and switched it to the news randomly.

"The devil has striked again"

Recent reports have revealed another death of yet another maiden who works at a brothel. She seems to be in her early 20s and-

"The question is which demon did it" my grandmother said, sticking to her theory that there are more than one. The rest of the world thinks theres only one creature behind this.

"I wonder what happened" I muttered. "Their kind helped us in the great war didnt they?" I asked, turning to my grandmother, a survivor of the war.

"Yes, that was before they found out they were used by the alliance and were quickly killed once it was all over. It seems they missed some" she mumbled, focused on the book she was reading.

In other news, there has been a decline in progress from our recovery from the medieval ages

"How can that reported joke at a time like this" my grandmother continued to critisize the news. "The kings and nobles are corrupt"

"What are you reading?" I asked , trying to divert her attention from the news to something else. She looked up from her book and smiled.

"Something you will need in the future" she told me. I looked at hed with confusion clear on my face. She ignored it and  back to reading.

"Why would I need that?" I finally asked, figuring she wouldnt explain it to me. "You'll see in the future. It's not like you'll be alone" was all she told me

"Why would I be alone? I have you" I said. She laughed at my response and shook her head. "No you wont"

I decided I didnt want to push her any further, feeling the conversation could take a wrong turn. Instead, I focused on my food.

She let out another cough and went to the sink. "I told you, you should get checked. I dont want you to get worse" I told her. She ignored me, typical.

"You youths and your health care. Back in the war, you just die" she joked, but I couldnt find the humour in what she said.

"I should go to bed. I need to be early and prepare breakfast for more tomorrow" I sighed, getting up. There was no point sitting here anymore.

Our house was small, but it was enough for the two of us. Aside from my job at the palace, my grandmother works as a herbal healer. Theyve become scarce now.

People call her the with because of how superstitious she was and for what she does. To be fair she believes in dream catchers and does palm readings and future readings.

I cant say I've never believed her though, as I've seen what shes done and on many occasions, she was right. What she predicted would turn out tp be true.

That thought brought me back to what she said a while ago...she said she wouldnt be with me. She said I would need that book... What's on that book?

I can't say I slept peacefully last night but at least i got some sleep. There was something my grandmother used to tell to me while i was younger.

"Everything you need has been right under you. All may go wrong, but I have prepared you" she said, stroking my hair.

I always thought she meant she prepared me for the future. Prepared me for how to live. I'm starting to feel like thats not what she meant...

I was preparing to enter the assembly hall once again with the officials breakfast. They've been discusing for a while now. Since yesterday actually.

"Nonsense" one official yelled. "We got rid of them all"

"Then explain the news"

"You think they would make the same mistake twice? How would we even find them?"

"We must win this war. We will find them" i recognized the voice of th king.

War? Wait what war? Who are they planning on using?

My thoughts raced through my head. A war.

I remembered that i was there to serve their breakfast. I probably wasnt even supposed to hear that. Who knows what could happen to me if they find out i heard all that.

I knocked loudly on the enormous doors that separated me from the stressed out officials who sat by a grand table.

They were immediately silenced once they realized I was standing my by the door. Guards opened it and let me in alone with some other maids who were helping me.

We were eyed by the officials as if they were suspicious that we heard anything. The other maids seemed to not noticed and probably even zoned out from the yelling.

We quickly left the food and made our exit to continue the rest of our chores. Even with everything going on, my mind couldnt stay away from what i heard a while ago outside that hall.

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