Chapter 6

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We both ended up sleeping early, deciding we needed to leave as soon as possible. Before more guards had time to prepare and spread out.

"Being in the capital is going to be an issue" Jimin told me. "We're located in the center of the kingdom, meaning getting out would be harder"

I nodded, removing and adding some things into my bag. We decided hunting and buying food on the way would save us more space for the weapons and materials.

"You'll end up with a lot, trust me" he said as he packed seemingly useless items, but he knew better than me. Who was I to say anything.

"It's still dark out. We should go" he told me. "Keep up, speed is part of my training for you. And be quiet" he said seriously.

I nodded, doing my best to do as he said. We walked silently through the empty village, making our way to the village border.

"Where do you think you're going?" The guards at the gate stopped us. They seemed wide awake at this time of the morning...

I panicked, unsure of what to say but I did my best to keep a calm face, not wanting to already mess up our mission.

"Her grandmother recently passed away and we want to visit her grave. Its a little in between here and the next city" Jimin said, lying smoothly.

"At this time?" the guard was suspicious of us. "Yes, it would take some time to get there and come back" Jimin responded.

I looked at them and nodded in agreement. "We need to make it back in time for lunch" I threw in, trying to help him.

"Alright then" the other guard said slowly. He let us through, still eyeing us suspiciously. Once we, or what theyve assumed, was far enough, we heard something.

"Try to remember their faces. They better come back in a few hours" One said. I didnt hear a verbal response so I assumed the other guard responded with a nod.

I glanced at Jimin, who's eyes were focused on the path ahead of us. Once we were finally out of sight from them, he spoke up.

"You can keep up well" he commented. "Expect that to happen a lot. You'll learn how to think like that too eventually" he shrugged.

Once we reached a certain point, he grabbed me and pulled me off to the side, into the woods. I looked at him, eyes panicked slightly ahmt his sudden actions.

"I heard the sound of guards coming" he said, searching for horses or guards walking the same path as us. Thankfully, and annoyingly, there was nobody.

"Are you sure you heard right?" I asked him. He let out a soft grunt and said forget it. Even though there was mobody, I suddenly felt paranoid too. What if he had heard right?

"What do you know about us 7 anyway?" Jimin asked, finally starting a conversation. I thought back to everything my grandmother had told me about them.

"Well, you 7 are special" she said. "Some call you fallen angels even" he snorted at what I said.

"Angels? Far from it" he laughed darkly. "Why do you say that?" I asked. I mean I get he might not be an angel, buy what did he mean by far from it.

"Honey, havent you seen the news?" he said with a sickly sweet smile. "I use maidens and take them. And once im finished with them, I kill them"

A chill went through my spine, remembering he was the one behind those deaths on the news. What scared me even more what that I was almost a victim to him.

"You're so lucky my mood was killed that day" he said, stopping right in front of me. I nodded and walked past him, not really wanting to think about it.

"What else do you know?" he asked, suddenly appearing right next to me. His lips were only centimeters away from my ear and I shuddered slightly.

"Well" I started, stepping away. "You all have specialized skills. Right?" I asked, looking at him who was now walking next to me once again.

"Do you know where we came from?" He asked me, not bothering to acknowledge my question. I took that as a sign I was correct.

"No..." I trailed off. "I only know you came from your parents who fought in the war but you 7 are the only remaining ones"

"Hmm, that's true" he said. "We're the only remaining True Bloods". I looked at him, confused. How come I've never heared of the meaning of True Bloods?

He must have noticed I didnt know what he meant and sighed. "You get involved with us but you dont even know much about us"

"Well...would you like to tell me then?" I asked hopefully. He looked at me and petted my head as if I were a puppy. "Maybe later"

I decided that I would ask him about it again later when we set up camp somewhere. The sun was finally high up. I'm guessing it was around noon by this time.

He said it would be safer to walk through the forest rather than the open road most everyone takes and this way he can train me a bit while we weren't out in the open.

"I'd say we're about half way at this point. Let's take a break to plan our escape first" he said, taking control of our situation.

"After planning, we begin your training"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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