Chapter 5: Tough Love

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"She found heaven within his eyes. And for the first time in a very long time, she could feel the stars within her start to shine." 

Chapter 5: Tough Love

Evangeline's POV

"He's hot!"

"And much to old for you." I reply to Mollie through a laugh, she refuses to let up on the Casper situation.

"Does he have any siblings?" She asks dreamily as she rests the whole top half of her body on the kitchen island.

"I know he has one that's older than him with a wife and two children." She immediately jolts up.

"What gender are they?"

"Boys, I think."

"Perfect, we need to get really close to Casper so we can meet the others."

"Alright boss, whatever you say." I retort with a laugh, I grab some snacks and throw them at Mollie who drops half of them on the floor. "Weak!" She rolls her eyes and throws a marshmallow at me. I swear I did not raise her this way, it just sort of happened. We grin happily and make our way over to the couch, we cuddle up together and put on a horror film. Laughing and screaming the whole way through.

At one AM we hit the hay, exhausted but I was hyped to see Casper later today. At six AM my alarm rings out and I smack it furiously. Despite being excited to see Casper today, I still dread getting out of the warm cocoon I've made around myself. After convincing myself that I had to get up, I drag myself to my closet and throw on a red body con and black heels with red soles. I straighten my hair, adding a few extra inches to its normally curly length. I put on a full face of light makeup with a dark lip before making my way to Mollie's room.

She'll sleep into the afternoon hours, I'm sure, but I know she'll get her work done. I kiss her forehead, leave her a note and some breakfast before hopping out of the apartment shutting and locking the door behind me. I arrive at the office ten minutes later, coffees in hand. I pass them out to my co workers and they thank me happily. I put my coffee on my desk and knock on Casper's door, his husky voice calls out a 'come in' and I do so.

"Here's some coffee, what do you need me to do today?"

"Write up the notes from yesterday, finish the filing, write a few emails; details for those will be specified later. Umm, help Mandy," The receptionist, "With her filing, make sure she's doing it right, take a few calls, direct the right people, etcetera, etcetera." He says coldly without looking up from his computer. Fine. If he wants to be like that he can be like that. He is only my boss after all.

"Okay." I say shortly and storm out, I push my anger away with thoughts of Mollie and get to work. I listen to the tape four times before I start taking notes, making sure I got everything down, I write it up, print it out, staple it and place it in the right place. The filing was pretty easy considering his last PA didn't do too bad of a job, I check my computer for the details about the emails but they hadn't arrived yet.

I grab my phone and head out to Mandy's desk, which is flooded with paper. She's sat on the floor, her head in her hands. "Hey Mandy, I'm here to help you." She snaps her head up and her eyes flood with relief, we take it in turns to answer the phone and take people where they needed to go, overall it takes about two hours to get all of Mandy's filing done. "Thank God I helped you, you would've been here till tomorrow." I say with a breathy laugh.

"Thank you so much Eva, I was thinking you and I can go out for drinks one day." She says with a mischievous smile.

"That sounds perfect, here," I hand her my number and she types it into her phone, "Just text me when, I'm not very busy."

"Perfect, you best get back to work. The boss looks a bit mad." I turn to see Casper pacing in front of my office, his face almost red with fury.

"Oh yay." I say sarcastically, she grins and pushes me towards him. I brush past him into my office and take a seat at my desk. I open the email with all the details in and begin to write up some emails, all the while Casper stands staring at me. "What can I help you with sir?" I ask monotonously as I type away at my computer, only half of my attention on Casper.

Probably wasn't helping the situation but it made me feel powerful all the same. "You haven't responded to any of my calls or texts for the past two and a half hours." He growls out, his teeth grinding against each other harshly.

"I'm sorry sir, I was helping Mandy with her paperwork. I'll make sure to be more vigilant next time." I continue with the monotonous voice which seems to aggravate him even further.

"I said you could call my Cas." He huffs slightly and throws himself on the couch in the corner.

"I'm sorry sir, but I am not used to such informality in the work place." Of course I was, I mean it was only yesterday he was at my apartment and I was crying into his shirt because of my father. He knows more about me then any of my other bosses, and I could feel a connection between us but his harshness and inability to trust someone makes it hard for the connection to develop.

Besides it seems he doesn't want it to grow anyway, since he keeps pushing me away. "Eva please stop being so distant." He almost pleads.

"Like you were this morning?" I print another file out and staple it together, I slide it into a folder and drop it into the file cabinet. Casper comes up behind me and places his hands on my hips, the electric feeling making me gasp softly. He turns me around and lowers his forehead on to mine.

"I'm sorry about this morning. I-I'm new at this, whatever this is. I don't know how to act, or treat you. You take my breath away and I get so distracted, so I thought maybe if I disconnected I could work but it only drove me more insane." His minty breath fans across my hot cheeks.

"I'm new at this too Casper, pushing me away won't do anything, besides hurt us both." I stroke his cheek tenderly, "I understand why you were mad this morning, and I'm sorry I turned distant. I just didn't think you wanted me anymore." I look down ashamed but he forces my head back up with a finger under my chin, his swirling eyes making my knees feel weak.

"No, you don't need to be sorry. You had every right to turn cold, I don't think I could ever not want you." My heart clenches and I smile slightly. I rub my nose on his and sigh when I see my computer.

"I have work to do."

"I'm the boss." He mutters playfully.

"Whatever you say, you have some too." I pull him straight to his office and drop him straight into his chair. "Get it done." I walk back to my office and start printing a load of things out, I know Casper wants everything online but I want to have a back up if anything goes on the fritz. I've never properly trusted technology. 

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