Chapter 12: Hostage Situations

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"Some hearts understand each other, even in silence." 

Chapter 12: Hostage Situations

Casper's POV

I watch as she sleeps, her lips parted and her hair like melted chocolate across the pillows. It's six AM and I'm supposed to be getting ready soon but I can't seem to move away from the sleeping beauty who's head is resting on my chest.

An alarm goes off and the peace is broken. Eva jolts up and rubs her eyes adorably before stretching like a cat. Control yourself I think to myself as she moves off the bed expertly. She turns to me with a smile that I return eagerly. "Brother o' mine!" Elijah calls from the foyer.

Eva grins and sprints to Elijah, kind of offended I don't get that reaction. "Hello there Eva!" He calls happily and she laughs, probably hugging him. Don't get jealous, he has a wife and she has me. Breathe. I follow out in some joggers and no shirt.

"I met Daniel last night, nice kid. I have a feeling Mollie's already fallen for him. He is quite the charmer."

"No surprise there, I mean have you met me?" Elijah replies sarcastically, his grin never leaving his face. All of the DeMarco's are smitten with Eva, I'm sure my dad will too.

"No." She deadpans and heads over to the kitchen, us DeMarco boys following like lost puppies. She starts to dance around the kitchen, making some breakfast. She slides it all on to buffet plates and starts gnawing away at the bacon. "Help yourself, I can't eat all of this myself. Well I probably could but that would be rude." She eats a few more things before skipping off to get ready.

Elijah and I look at each other, shrug and then devour the remaining food. About half an hour later Eva struts out fully ready for work, just sliding the second earring in as she heads towards us. "I have some errands to run this morning, I should be in at about ten." I nod and she kisses both of our cheeks before disappearing out the front door.

"Dad wants to meet her, he's adamant on it being soon. Something about how all of his sons and his wife are practically obsessed with her." I chuckle deeply along with him.

"Well I'm allowed to be, why are the rest of you?"

"She's a perfect daughter in law for mum, they like the same things, act similarly, as for me and Andy. She's kind but she's not afraid to stand up to us, unlike everyone else. She's a welcome change, being treated like a human is better than being feared."

"I know what you mean." I sigh and stand up, "I'll be right back, just have to get dressed." I slide into a grey Armani and brown loafers before heading back to the lounge where Elijah's currently watching the news.

"Hey isn't that Eva's building?" He asks and points to the screen, I turn up the volume and the newscaster relays that there's a hostage situation. That a desperate man is holding a gun to a woman's head. They point the camera to Eva and her father, and I sprint from the building, Elijah following closely.

When we get there Andy, Marie and my mother are already there. We're all close enough to hear what's being said, Mollie is cowering behind her mother and Danny is screaming bloody murder for her. "Enough Broderick, you threatened my daughter. You should know what happens when you do that." Eva growls, her voice filled with venom, something foreign in the kind woman.

"You can't do anything Evangeline, you're weak. As you always have been, you let him rape you."

"I was thirteen, what could I have done? You're just mad because I kept Mollie and still have more money than you."

"You will give me that money or I will kill you and your daughter." Eva smiles coldly before whispering something to Mollie, something like 'Run.' As soon as Eva moves Mollie sprints over to Danny and he throws her behind her.

Eva skilfully grabs the gun and drives an elbow into Broderick's stomach. "Your gun's filled with blanks idiot, if you're going to buy a gun at least get a real one." She flips it over and knocks him out with the butt of it.

We all sprint over to her and express our concern with stupid questions. "I'm fine." She pops out the magazine and looks at the bullets. "I never thought he'd go this far." She mumbles sadly.

"I thought you said they were just blanks." I state nervously.

"To make him feel stupid and embarrassed. I needed his reaction to take him on. They're actually 22 caliber Hornady bullets. And if you're wondering how I know that Theo's in the army."

"Where is Theo?" Marie asks. "I'm sure he would've helped."

"He got called in last night." She puts the magazine back in and passes the gun to the police that had gathered around us. "More people will come." She sighs sadly and pulls Mollie to her.

"Why don't you stay with me? The penthouse is practically a fortress, no one can get in unless I let them." I suggest and Eva looks up at me.

"I don't want to be a burden."

"Neither of you would be burdens, I need you there so I can keep you safe." Eva turns to Mollie and she nods shakily. Some blond boy sprints from the building and wraps Mollie in a tight hug, making Danny clench his fists in anger.

"Matthew." Mollie squirms slightly and this Matthew releases her from his hold. Mollie immediately grips onto Danny, sensing his anger, this gesture makes Matthew go red in the face. Eva heads over to me and rests her forehead on my chest while I rest my chin on the crown of her head.

After a few seconds she turns to look at her daughter and her two suitors, who seem to be growling at each other. Which is kinda funny. "Matthew, Danny, chill." Eva approaches them as if they're wild animals, which I guess they are at the moment.

"Mum what do I do?" Mollie asks her mother, her eyes wide and scared.

"I'm sorry to say this kid but you're gonna have to choose." A flash of hesitance floats through Mollie's eyes before she turns to Matthew, making him grin in satisfaction and Danny to back down.

"I'm sorry Matthew," At this Danny perks up. "I can't pick you, you've hardly even spoken to me, or tried to connect, you even support the wrong team. I'm sorry Matthew but I'm choosing Danny."

Matthew nods sadly and sprints back into the building while Danny swings Mollie into his arms, whispering about how he was scared when Broderick had the gun pointed at her. Cute. "Sorry to break up the love fest, but Mollie and I need to pack some stuff." Eva says with a small laugh.

They head into the building and us DeMarco's mill about doing nothing, everyone else avoiding us completely except the girls giving us lustful looks. A black SUV pulls up and a very angry father of mine hops out.

"Where's the bastard that threatened my daughter-in-law?" He growls angrily. He hasn't even met her yet and is extremely protective. I wasn't going to correct him considering I actually like the fact she's referred to like that.

"He's with the police and she's inside packing her stuff. Her and her daughter are staying with me until everything blows over."

"Good idea son, now I want all of you round for dinner tonight. I've got a big announcement to make." We all nod in agreement and continue to wait for Eva to come back out. When she arrives she has a small suitcase in each hand and Mollie has a duffel bag swung over her shoulder.

They're thrown in the back and my father turns to Eva. "Hello. You must be Evangeline, I'm these boys' father, Xander." Eva puts her hand out to shake but he squeezes her in a hug.

"It's nice to meet you Xander."

"No, my love, it's nice to meet you."


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