Chapter 9: Cake-Faced Bitch

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"Perhaps it is our imperfections that make us perfect for each other." 

Chapter 9: Cake-Faced Bitch

Casper's POV

To leave her in her apartment, alone, with another man is harder than I thought. I don't think she sees how men stare at her in lust and want, her friend is no exception. And to leave my girl with him is like leaving a child to the wolves. I pass my fingers through my now messy hair and continue on with the stupid meeting, they just won't shut up. I turned up an hour ago and yet they won't shut up. How much do they have to talk about?

Finally after another hour I'm released from torture only to be dragged into another. "Hey bro." Elijah and Andy throw me into my office and sit across from me with stern faces. Oh the problems of being the youngest sibling. "How's Eva?" Elijah continues, since all three of us DeMarco boys have taken a liking to her I'm sure my parents will as well.

"She's fine, except she has some bloke in her apartment." I ground out, my jaw clenching.

"Well she did talk to Rebekah, I'm sure that's why she's with him." Andy suggests.

"No he's her friend from a while ago, I spoke to her, she's not mad about the Rebekah thing anymore. Nor is she sleeping with him."

"Alright touchy, now when do the parents get to meet her? They're going stir crazy because they haven't heard anything to do with your relationships." Elijah fills in.

"When she's free I suppose, what time is it?" I ask, hoping that Eva would still be awake.

"Half eleven, I don't think Eva'll be awake." It's like Andy can see right through me.

"Really? You don't?" They both shake their heads at me, "What? I know, I'm acting desperate, blah blah blah. I don't care." They look to each other before bursting into laughter, Elijah nods and dials a number, putting it on speaker.

"Elijah it's like one AM!" Eva shouts happily.

"Eva, love, it's half eleven."

"So?! Imma party like it's nineteen, ninety nine!" She sings and laughs, "Whoops, Theo put that down before I hit ya with it."

"Eva are you drunk?" Andy chips in unhelpfully.

"No shit Sherlock, wait Andy!" She cheers and laughs again. "Wait why are you guys calling?"

"Because we ne-"

"Wait pizza's here," She disappears for a few moments before returning. "What were yo saying?" She says, her voice muffled by the pizza.

"We just wanted to check up on you." Elijah supplies.

"I'm good, swear it. Theo here got me drunk, been taking vodka straight for the last few hours. We started when Casper left. Hold on a minute," She laughs slightly. "Hey Casper." She says after a minute.

"How'd you know I was here?"

"I'm a certified genius! You see I took the IQ test and I almost beat Mollie, little minx beat me by one! I'm never gonna live that down." I could almost see her adorable little frown from here. After a few seconds she bursts into laughter, so much so you could hear her gasping for air. She lays off into giggles but doesn't stop for a little while. "Theo you knobhead!" She calls.

I could hear him shuffling about and groaning in pain. "Okay Eva, sober up and get some sleep." Elijah demands kindly.

"Ugh fine! Party pooper." She hangs up and we all look at each other before laughing at my little one.

"I beg of you to keep this one!" Andy and Elijah say simultaneously, high-fiving straight after. The next day comes quickly, I find myself waiting anxiously for Eva, hoping she's well enough to come in. A few minutes later Eva struts on to the top floor not even looking a little bit out of sorts, as if the alcohol had no affect.

"How? Ho- What?" I stutter in disbelief. "You were off your face last night and now- now you're fine-What?" She giggles softly at my reaction.

"I have my very own hang over cures, I'm quite good." She tries to walk into her office but I grab her by her wrist and swing her into my office. "Oh Mr DeMarco how objectionable of you." I smirk and back her into the wall, she happily obliges. I pull some hair out of her face.

"I'm deeply sorry Ms Claire." She leans back and I lean closer, her eyes dancing with amusement. She moves forward and brushes her lips against mine, before she properly plants them she moves away again. "You little tease." I wrap my fingers in her dark locks and tug slightly, revealing her neck to me. I lean down and she spins from my grip, laughing softly.

"Not here." Her eyes darken slightly when they reach the note I received early this morning. Rebekah's getting rather desperate. She sweeps it up and tears it in two with a roll of her eyes. She jumps up and sits on my desk, "I don't like her." She states simply making me chuckle slightly. I walk over and stand in front of her, resting a palm on her face.

"I don't like her either." I mumble before gently placing my lips on hers, after mere seconds we have to pull apart due to an alarm. "What's that?" I speak against her lips.

"A reminder, your meeting starts in five minutes. I have to get the room ready." She slides out but leaves the door open behind her. "Hey, he's busy. Do you have an appointment?" I hear Eva demand out in the hallway.

"I don't need one, I'm his girlfriend." A woman replies petulantly.

"You must be Ms Cloridge." Eva states, without question.

"Well of course I am, I'm the only one that's allowed to touch him that way. He's so long you know." I could tell my little flower is blushing right now without even seeng her.

"I most certainly do not, please go in Ms Cloridge. I have other things to attend to." Rebekah walks in moments later with a massive grin and three inches of makeup.

"You're slave's not very well mannered." She places her hands on my chest and I shrug them off. "What's wrong baby?" Her high pitched voice grates against my ears, how I wish to hear Eva's laid back and sweet voice right now.

"I'm not your baby, we've been through this. We're not together, we never were. It was one drunken night, now I'd appreciate it if you'd leave. I have a meeting."

"With that slut?" I know to who she's referring.

"Leave Eva out of this Rebekah."

"She stole you from me and she'll pay."

"I was never yours to steal, now get the fuck out before I call security."

When I get into the meeting hall, Eva is sat at the table writing something. The table covered in breakfast foods, drinks and the folders for today's topics. "I'm not mad." She says before I even breech the subject.

"How? I'd be raging."

"It's not your fault she turned up, and you've already told me how you feel about me and Rebekah. I believe you, okay? I'm not gonna let that cake-faced bitch get in between us." 

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