Chapter 10: Unspoken Attraction

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"I want to be your favourite hello and your hardest goodbye." 

Chapter 10: Unspoken Attraction

People start to stream into the room, so we quiet our conversation and the meeting begins. My employees dragging everything out, I'm starting to think they're doing this on purpose. I place my hand on Eva's thigh under the table and lean back in my seat, watching as Eva scribbles away on the paper.

I squeeze her thigh and she jolts slightly, she throws a glare my way but continues to write ignoring all my other advances. After an hour of tedious talking the others leave and Eva breathes a sigh of relief. "I thought my hand was gonna fall off!" She shakes her wrist out before focusing her doe eyes on me.

"Come on." I drag her out of the conference room and into my office. I lock the door and immediately ravish her lips with mine. She gasps for air and I pull back slightly, refusing to move too far away. "I was waiting too long to do that." Her chest continues to heave and she moves away from me and leans on the desk. "Why'd you move away?"

"Because you mess up my breathing, my thinking, everything just by being near me." I chuckle softly and she shivers. "See! Oh stuff it." She comes back over and swings herself into my arms.

She sits on my forearms and her back is pressed against the wall to stabilise us both. She sighs in content and pushes herself impossibly closer and we're once again interrupted by someone on the other side of the door. Eva pulls away with a disappointed sigh and glares at the door.

"I hate them." She mumbles, she pushes off and settles on the floor, after cleaning up she opens the door and smiles at the person on the other side. "Hi there, do you have an appointment?"

"I don't need one, I am the mother of the CEO." My mum replies, her voice soft and friendly.

"Oh I'm so sorry, new here. I'm Evangeline, Casper's PA."

"It's nice to meet you dear, my name is Rachel, you mustn't do any of that Mrs DeMarco stuff."

"Of course. I'll leave you guys to it." She skips out and into her own office, I watch her go sadly.

"Is that her?" My mum squeals as she sprints into the office, slamming the door behind her. "She's so pretty, and kind, and smart. She's going to be amazing! Oh I'm so happy, I've always wanted a daughter." She carries on wistfully.

"What about Marie?" I ask with a chuckle.

"She doesn't really count, she never speaks to me, nor does she like me all too much. But I'm desperate to be the best of friends with Evangeline, perhaps even a mother like figure."

"She goes by Eva, mum, and you might want to calm down a little bit. We haven't even had a proper first date yet."

"Well ask her!" Mum demands, I know there was no arguing with her right now she's in psycho mode. Something only my father can calm down, sort of. "Can we talk to her together? Not about the date but about the company dinner, where we're trying to convince the clients to join us."

"Sure, hold on," I walk over to the phone and press the speed dial button. "Eva, could you come in here please?"

"Yeah, hold on, I've gotta kick Andy's ass first. He just ruined my filing." I hear a loud yelp from outside before Eva struts in sorting her hair out. "Sorry about that." Andy follows after her looking dejected and rubbing his arm slightly.

"That's fine dear, I need someone to help me control my boys. I was hoping you could join us DeMarco's for a company dinner on Saturday, we're trying to get some clients on board."

"That's sounds fun, who are the clients?"

"Broderick and Rebecca Claire." Eva's eyes widen and she backs away to support herself on the desk, she opens her mouth as if to say something but slams it shut again.

"Eva.. are they the people I'm thinking?" I question vaguely.

"Yes, yes they are. And what is it you want them to do?"

"We need their funding." Mum replies, puzzled slightly.

"I'm not sure that's possible, considering they're bankrupt."

"Bankrupt? How do you know?" Andy asks, his eyebrows furrowing.

"They're my parents and they attempted to steal every penny I've saved over the past few years. And when I stopped them my father turned up at my apartment, luckily Casper was there otherwise he would've taken everything from me."

"That's disgusting, my husband and I will destroy their reputation and take everything, including their company." My mum growls out. Eva looks up in appreciation and admiration.

"Thank you." Eva whispers softly, wiping a residual tear away. She checks her watch and she chuckles slightly. "I, um, best get going. My daughter will be expecting me, thank you for everything." She hugs my mother, thumps Andy on the shoulder, kisses my cheek and hops out of the room.

"Keep her." Mum and Andy say simultaneously, they're scarily alike. 


End of Chapter Ten, sorry if it's too short or has a few mistakes. 

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