Chapter 7

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Sorry I didn't update earlier I have summer school which has been taking up my time but expect faster updates in the future

"Hey Justin" I cheerfully make my way over to him

"Are you going to my house today to work on the project?- it's due by the end of next week i wanna be prepared" I asked him

Weirdly he said yes even though his behavior this morning was off. I saw him cry, he distanced himself from his friends and didn't talk to me today; he didn't make any of his flirticous

Even those little chats and flirt talking meant a lot to me.

It was stupid, I know. This is pointless whenever I have crushes

"Yeah, does seven work?"

"Yeah, I think so" I shrugged my shoulders.

I then felt somebody's hands around my shoulders.

"Hey guys" Sheri beamed.

"Hey, Sheri" as I wrapped my arms around her shoulders as well.

"Hey Sheri, um I have to go to class I'll catch you guys later"

Bitch it's lunch

"It's lunch.....Is he okay?" Sheri asked

"Nope he's been off this morning, I guess I'll ask him today at my house when we'll work on the project together today".

Sheri just nodded her head and continued to head to lunch as Justin walked the opposite direction leaving the school grounds.


"Justin its 10 a.m., you were supposed to be here at 7 like you promised," I said with disappointment in my tone.

I looked into his eyes they were watery and a bit puffed.

"I know I was with the guys and-" He spoke quickly.

"Wait what? Justin are you high?"

He just nodded his head down as if he was disappointed in himself.

"Come in Justin" I suggested.

He did as I told him.

His hair was messy but slicked back like always styles it. He was wearing his liberty jacket.

"Um-m" my tone got nervous.

I crossed my arms trying to seem confident around him. Even though I was a wreck my "crush" was at my house and not to mention he was high.

"I'm sorry I had to come here like this but I have nowhere else to go" Justin admitted.

"It's okay Justin. You're my friend after all"

"I'm really sorry again Adi, Bryce has some relatives over and Jess, I really don't want her to see me like this" he admitted.

"Plus all my other friends are dickheads"

"Really Justin it's not a problem plus my sister won't mind" I reassured him

Well, at least I hope so.

"Follow me I'll lead you to the guest bedroom the 2nd floor is confusing."

"Thank you Adi" he spoke as he wrapped his arms around me giving me a hug.

It took me a few seconds to correspond to what was happening and took it me a while to hug him back.

And when I did I swear I never wanted to let go.

"Wow you're enjoying this too much aren't you" he chuckled

I smiled as I felt my heart skip a beat.

"You just had to ruin it Justin" I rolled my eyes.

"See you later Princess" he smirked as he left me there smiling like an idiot.


The cold brisk of air filled the night as I walked down the street where I grew up.

It was like a memory coming back to haunt me.

he wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we enjoyed our night, his last night.

I hear a loud gunshot echoing the night as he falls to the ground clutching his stomach
I wake up as sweat started to roll down my face as I gasped for air.

I grab my phone looking at the time being 3 a.m.

I wipe off my sweat off my forehead.

Without thinking I walk towards the guest bedroom where Justin was.

I knocked on the door hoping he would open it.

I was trembling in fear shaken by my nightmare.

Justin opened the door his face looked shocked and without thinking he hugged me.

I hugged him back digging my face into his neck sobbing uncontrollably.

"C'mon" he calmly spoke

He lead me to the bed. I snuck into the covers feeling safe and comfortable he wrapped his arms around me as my last tear drop rolled down my face.

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Hey guys sorry for not updating frequently but summer school really be eating up my time though

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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