Sick again?

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Mark x Jisung

Mark got ill a lot. He'd take days off his schedule, stuck in bed with a rotten cold or a bad stomach. His family took him to get tested, but they never found a reason for it. Mark hated being sick, not being able to perform and meet his fans.

But Jisung took days off his schedule to, though the fans never quite knew why. There was theories about him having mental illness or sickness and the fans were worried sick. But Jisung wasn't ill or sick, he was perfectly healthy.

The fans knew about Mark. They pitied him and sent him gifts, they treasured the time that he spent with them. This kept Mark happy, though not as happy as he was when he was at the dorm. Though he was sick, he was happy.

All because of Jisung. Jisung stayed at the dorm when Mark was sick. He always had some excuse. "Manager-nim I have to do school work" or "Manager-nim I'm feeling ill." But their manager knew what he was doing and he thought he was caring. He'd make Mark food, feeding it to him if he was really ill. He make him soups and Ramen, his cooking was actually really good and delicious and Mark would never refuse a bowl of warm food from Jisung.

He'd curl up on the couch beside him, sharing the blankets. Jisung didn't care that he might get ill, in fact he hoped he might just to spend more time with Mark.

They'd spend hours talking about everything. From personal stories, to fan experiences and the deeper stuff like how they missed their family. That's how they learnt that both of them were gay.

Time went on and Mark never got any better. But the fans were demanding for both of them to come back so Jisung went on the managers orders. Both of them felt lonely, they missed each other.

So Mark started to sneak into his room at night, slipping into his bed and leaving before the sun had rose and the other members had woken up for the day.

But it wasn't enough for Jisung. So he pretended to be sick just like Mark. "Sick again?" The members would ask with a smirk. "More like love sick."

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