Breakfast (preference)

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Avenger preference #1
Breakfast they make for you

TONY : ordered from a restaurant in Venice

STEVE : toast with fresh orange juice

THOR : Prince of Asgard doesn't cook remember..

BRUCE : scrambled eggs and coffee

NATASHA : waffles with coffee

CLINT : leftover pizza..

SAM : cereal

BUCKY : pancakes with fresh Apple juice

VISION : eggs with paprika

RHODEY : burned the food, so went outside to eat

T'CHALLA : had his chefs cook for you as he was busy..

WANDA : jam sandwiches and strawberry milkshake

PETER : Aunt May cooked for you as Peter doesn't know how to cook although he helped make it..

WADE : you cooked, Wade was sleeping

LOKI : tired to cook but ended up burning the kitchen. So let's just say, he is allowed to be near the kitchen again..

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