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"You're insane Ashton" I laughed, my hair flowing in the breeze as the car sped along the dark road.

"Insanely in love" he winked at me before forcing the car to drive even faster.

The trees were just a blurr along the side of the road and all I could hear was the wind and the beating of my heart.

A light appeared in the distance so ashton flicked his car lights off and blindly sped along the road. The light kept getting closer and closer. I looked over at Ashton and watched how the light reflected off his eyes and his grin never left his face.

His eyes met mine for a second but that second was all it took to slightly veer over to the wrong side of the road, straight into the incoming car.

"Carrie, Carrie can you hear me." I heard a small voice in the distance. I tried to move my head but I felt stiff, everything around me was black. "Carrie, oh my god Carrie." The voice kept calling but I couldn't find where it was coming from. "I love you Carrie don't leave me"


Silence. It was so silent I could hear my heart beating. I could hear the blood rushing through my body. I could hear my small breaths enter and exit my body. Silence.

I opened my eyes and I was sitting in the middle of the road. It stretched miles and miles into the distance and was closed in by walls of trees. I slowly stood up and ran towards the trees on the side, looking for an opening to run through. But there were no openings, it was like the trees were planted to keep someone in, or out. I ran alongside the road for what felt like hours, the sun never leaving it's spot at the top of the sky, nothing appearing in the distance except for more and more road. Until suddenly the sun dropped straight out of the sky and disappeared into the forest. Leaving me in complete darkness. A small light in the distance appeared and seemed to be coming close quickly. I stood in the middle of the road, jumping up and down and waving my hands around. The light kept coming closer but it didn't seem to be slowing down.

Can't they see me? Are they going to stop?

The light got close enough that I could see it's source. A red convertible with two laughing teenagers. It was only a few meters in front of me when it stopped. It was like it hit an invisible wall. It's front crushed and it burst into flames. The male teenager stumbled out of the car, holding his bleeding head in his hands. It looked like he was yelling but I couldn't hear a thing. He rushed over to the other side of the car and tried to pick the girl out of the car. But the door was jammed and the fire was getting bigger and she wasn't doing anything to help. She was just slumped in her seat. But the boy didn't give up he kept trying to pull her out but he couldn't. He let go of her and jumped back away from the car as it burst into flames. The girl disappeared in the fiery mess and the boy sat with his mouth wide open and tears falling from his eyes. I ran towards him, but no every step I took he seemed to move further and further away.

The boy looked up at the sky and the sun appeared out of no where, returning back to its rightful place in the middle of the sky. When I looked back at where the car had been all that remained was a bunch of flowers and a black spot on the road. I walked up the the flowers and picked them up, a small piece of paper fell out and I picked it up. On it it said 'RIP my angel, Carrie.'



I decided to start a new ashton fan fic because my other one ended up shit so...


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