Chapter five

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"You are going to have to go back to Ashton's place eventually Carrie." My mother spoke before taking a bite out of her toast. We were seated across from each other on the small table. She rested the newspaper that had been balanced on one hand down on the table so she could see me clearly.

"I don't think I want to see him again," I mumble. I've stayed in my mothers house for days doing nothing except for trying to catch up on all the stuff that has happened in the past year. With the help of the Internet. Which may I say is much faster and even more confusing that it was only a year before.

"How about I drive you there? I know you never really liked public transport."

"Actually I think i will take the train. Maybe buy some knives on the way there so I can stab him in the face." I say smoothly, like I wasn't talking about killing someone.

"Carrie..." My mother warns

"Calm down, I won't hurt him. He just needs to be taught a lesson."

"And what lesson is that?"

"Don't hurt the ones you love." I shrug my shoulders.


I gripped tightly onto the metal bar as the train lurched from side to side on the tracks. The were people everywhere and it smelt like someone hadn't showered in quite a while. I turned my head away as a man next to me started having a coughing fit and somehow forgot to cover his mouth. I would prefer to not get whatever virus he has. The train slowly began to stop and the station rushed beside us. As soon as the doors open I pushed through the crowd and made my way out of the station and crossed the street to Ashton's house. I wasn't even sure if he was going to be there.

I took a moment to compose myself before knocking a few times on the wooden door.

"Coming!" Ashton's voice yelled through the door before it opened and he stared down at me. "Not you again.." He muttered

"Hello Ashton. May I come inside?" I asked in the preppiest, fakest voice I could muster just to get on his nerves. He used to always complain about girls who's voices were high and squeeky.

"I've for my friends over Carrie." He replied bluntly. "Please leave." Someone woke up on the wrong side of the best today.

"Oh come in? Of course I'll come in and hang with your friends." I laughed as I pushed past him into the house and walked towards the loud noise of boys. I entered the room and sent cheery greetings their way before plopping down onto a spare bean bag. "Is that FIFA?"

"Yeah... You play?" Calum glanced sideways at me.

"Do I play?" I gasped. " of course I play. Chuck me a remote." I ignored ashton who came into the room and asked Luke to go outside to talk to him and took his absence as an opportunity to mess with his friends. "You remember the other day when Ashton freaked out?" I asked nonchalantly.

"Yeah. We never did find out why..." Michael said without his eyes leaving the television.

"It's because a year ago his girlfriend died in a car accident."

"He had a girlfriend? For how long? How come we never knew?" Calum's jaw hit the floor, shocked.

"Almost two years... How long have you been friends with him?"

"Longer than that." Michael spat. I guess I made him angry at Ashton. Oh well!

"And he never told you guys? That's cruel." I fake sympathy.

"I need to talk to him." Calum dropped the xbox remote on the floor and walked out of the room. Mid game must I say. I took it as an opportunity to absolutely thrash him in FIFA. It's not my fault he left.


*Calum's POV*

I stormed into Ashton's room and saw him and Luke sitting cross legged facing each other on his bed. Ashton had his head rested in his hands and Luke was gently patting his back.

"Now isn't a good time Calum." Luke said when he noticed me entering the room.

"Well then when is a good time to find out about Ashton's girlfriend who he had for two years who died in a car accident last year?" I yell. Ashton looks up at me and I can see his face is smeared with tears and his eyes are red and puffy.

"Who told you?" He whispered. I sat down beside the two boys on the bed and explained to them what Kelsey told us. Ashton kept glancing at Luke throughout the story and I knew there was something he wanted to tell me.

"Just tell me what's going in Ashton." I finally say.

After one last glance at Luke Ashton says, " I had a girlfriend and I loved her more than anything and I didn't let you guys meet her because I was scared she would fall in love with one of you. And then one day she died and it was all gone." He summarizes. I know he is still hiding something, I've known him for long enough to be able to tell.

"Well if there is anything left to tell me I'll be downstairs. Don't forget who you can really trust." I try to indirect at myself. We've been through a lot together and it makes me angry that he is too scared to tell me someghing. Maybe Kelsey knows more.


A/N yes that was the Shittest chapter ever but it was shit because I feel like shit

And I thought I needed to put something up so...

Does anyone have this story in their library?

Just Curious ;)

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