I Forgive, But Never Forget

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Later On That Day

Desiree POV

That girl better be lucky I kept my cool because I was about to slap her! First off, I am not a "hōe" and I was not informed that Ron was in a relationship. It is not my problem she can not satisfy her man.

Where's Ron anyway? He was just laying down

Me: Babe? 

No Answer.. Let me check the bathroom

(I Open The Bathroom Door)

Me: What the hell are you doing? 

Is he really giving himself a drug injection? Really?

Ronald: Heroin. 

Me: Are you serious right now? This is how you do things huh?

Ronald: You don't know what I've been through.

Me: You're right... But I do know that you have been clean for a while and you're just being stupid by doing this stuff again.

Ronald: Get out.

He's throwing his life away and I can't stand to see him like this. We've been together 2 years on and off and I don't like this side of him.

(I Go Over to Him and Sit on his Lap)

Me: You're going to get through this. You don't have much.. I know, but-

Ronald: yells But what? At least you have a mother whom you don't call. At least you have a family. Me, I have nobody.

Me: tears rolling down face You have me.

Ronald: pushes me off Man, I'm out. You'll catch me later.

(He Leaves and Slams the Door)

Why the sudden change? Everything was fine this morning and last night. I think everything has hit him. How his life is. I need to talk to someone.


Shania: What it is? Wssp?

Me: Girl alot of stuff. I can't wait to tell you.

Shania: ...... Well, tell me.

Me: You have to come over because it's too much. 

Shania: Alright, I'll be right over.


2 Minutes Later

I hope Ronald comes back home soon, I'm worried.

knock, knock

(I Go and Answer the Door)

Shania: Hola mama.

Me: How you get here so fast?

Shania: Girl, I was already on my way here when you called.

Me: Why? 

Shania: Cause you know Bestfriend Ron Ron called and told me you was trippin. 

Me: No, girl let me telllllll you. Yesterday, I was at his house and we was doing the wild thing and his girl walking in.... I didn't even know he had a girl! He said he was single and plus we have been on and off for 2 years, I think I would know. 

Shania: What's the girl's name?

Me: Ind- India?

Shania: Ohhhhh, I know her. Yeah, they was cute. Real cute.

Me: Girl wheeet? She was relevant?

Shania: Yeah. She met his moms and everything, but I thought they broke up long ago.

Me: I also caught your "bestfriend" injecting heroin in himself.

Shania: I just told myself to not be involved. He gets physical alot. Just leave him alone. 

Me: I'm just worried about him.

Shania: You need to be worried about ya'll relationship because evidently he's still in love with the other girl.

Me: sighs I know, I know.

Crystal's POV

I don't know about about my little sister, but I'm about to call Mr. Ronald Adams. He is not going to disrespect and cheat on her in her own house.


Ronald: Hello?

Me: Is Ronald there?

Ronald: Speaking. Wssp?

Me: Listen, this is Crystal, India's sister. Nīgga. What the hell is wrong with you bring a unknown thot in her house, AND cheating on her? Really nīgga? Oh really?

Ronald: Look, don't call my phone with this bulls-

Me: It was a rhetorical question. I think my sister deserves an apology. I was rooting for you. You met our family. I thought you was going to be the one to put a ring on that finger and hold her down no matter what.

Ronald: I love your sister, I just don't know how to anymore.

Me: Nīgga, does a drive by need to be put in order? I'm dead âss. You're not just going to cut my sister off like she's nothing. If you really did love her you would drive your goofy âss over here and talk to her.

I hear car screeches, is there a accident outside or something? Lbs

knock, knock

I open the door and to my surprise it's.. Ronald, so I hang up the phone.

Ronald: May I come in?

Me: It depends on if you're going to upset my sister orrr cheer her up. What's your choice nīgga?

Ronald: I would like to talk to her and please do not refer to me as "nīgga".

Me: moves back Ohhhh, so you one of them nīggas now? Excuse me sir, did you seem to forget where you came from? Just go see her before I have to knock you out.

Ronald: walking upstairs Gladly.

Me: smh Pure ignorance.

India POV

All I'm thinking about is what Crystal told me. Does he love me? I'm sure he does. 5 years, of course he does. He has to, he just couldn't have held on to someone he doesn't love for 5 whole years. 

I Hear Someone Come In and I Look and See Ron

Me: Get out, I don't want to talk.

Ronald: Well you're going to. Look. I messed up. I'm messed up India. I need you. I need you to be with me through everything just like you been doing. I love you, I'm in love with you. Desiree meant nothing to me. I promise, it was a honest connect. It will never happen again. 

Me: Am I doing something wrong? How could you do something like that. To even put it in her is unacceptable. I could never trust you. How do I know you won't do it again? 

Ronald: You have my word. I promise to never have intercourse with anybody who's not you. I love you India Westbrooks. I want you soon to be India Adams. I promise.

He's So Sweet. I'm Falling Again. I Can't Help It.

Me: hugging him I love you Ronald.


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