Problems at school

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Everyone was at their lockers getting their things out for their next class then Butters came screaming.

"Fellas, Fellas"Butters shouted running

"What is Butters"Kyle asked

"I walked by the principal Victoria's classroom and her and Mr.Mackey were talking about budget cuts and said something about taking out half of the school is going have to leave"Butters explained

"What?"Cartman said

"They said that if the school doesn't score am less 87% on the next state test anyone of us might have to move to another school"Butters finished

"But the only other school in a 5 mile radius is that South Park Supreme and you have to be a genius to even enroll in that school"Kyle inform everyone

"It's like collage but worst"Stan added

"Who would be taken out"Wendy asked

"They said that they have to get rid of at less 1OO kids,And their 3OO kids in our school so they are planning to get rid of any kid below then IQ of 13O"Butters answered

"That...Almost everyone"Stan agured

"We can't leave South Park High I can't afford to go anywhere else"Red cried

"A..and...I..c..can't... find..any..that.. Is close... To"Jimmy complicated

"Timmy"Timmy shouted

Then a small augment broke out until Mr.Mackey came by

"What is going on here?"Mr.Mackey asked

"Butters said that you were going to take out almost half the kids if we don't do well on the state test"Cartman told him

"Is that True?"Bebe asked

"Well yes,But were working on something, Their will be an assembly at noon to discuss the plans for the test M'kay"Mr.Macky told them

Then walked away,Soon it become noon and everyone gather in the school Auditorium.

"Alright, Everyone please quite down" Principal Victoria said in the microphone

"Now,Everyone I know that their was a rumor saying that we're going to have to expel some of our students and,Unfortunately those rumors are correct"Principal Victoria told the large group of kids

Then sudden whispered could be heard thought out the room

"Now you kids have nothing to worry about"Principal Victoria told them

"Nothing to worry about?, We could be kicked out of the only high school we can get in"Carman shouted

"Eric sit your fatass down"Wendy harshly whispered

"Now,Eric we understand but we decide that were going to asked the student body president of South Park Supreme for help"Mr.Mackey explained

"How can they help us?"Stan asked

"Their all geniuses we're hoping that they can tutor are less-educated group of children"Principal Victoria explain

"Tomorrow the following students will be going with us to speak with the student body president,M'kay"Mr.Mackey stared

"Kyle Broflovski,Stan Mash,Kenny McCormick,Butters Scotch,Wendy Testaburger,and Eric Carman"Mr.Mackey read out

Then the assembly ended

"Why us"Kenny questioned

"I don't know dude just as long were not getting kicked out"Stan conclude

Then they all went home and told their parents and got ready for tomorrow.

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