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Mostly edited lol. No pics or anything yet. Maybe later I'll add pics and chapter title. Please comment, vote, show the 💕 😘

This is a stand-alone story of one of the characters first found in Little Wolf.


Now, I got a lot of stories I can tell you, but you ain't gonna hear them from me, and I doubt anyone else that was there for most of them would spill the beans either.

See, I'm a mercenary, so the stuff I do? Yeah, you ain't hearing about that shit, no way no how! But me? My life? Now let's see...

Most of the guys just call me Mac. I started out in the military. Met my best friend, Jimbo, there. We started out as friends, ended up closer than brothers. Ain't often you meet someone with similar tastes and desires in life. We both had the same interests and honestly, we were the only two guys in boot camp that came pre-armed with the big guns built into our physique. He and I both loved the weights.

Both of us being into weights, you gotta know we arm wrestled that first night. Neither of our arms hit the table for a good while. I ain't telling you who won, just that it became a thing with us. Both of us winning and losing so often; it was always more about endurance than strength because we were so evenly matched.

Let's see... After the military we had a few things happen. We started taking side jobs. I went for more higher paying gigs. Eventually I ended up with a regular crew I liked working with. Wide range of talents between them.

Then there was this incident with his sister. The guy she was with did more than hit her. She ended up in the hospital. Seems she wouldn't have the abortion he wanted her to get and he was intent on beating the kid out of her. I kept Jimbo from killing the guy. No one else could have. It was a close one. We worked our connections to get her moved with a new identity so the creep would never find her or the kid.

Apparently the creep had connections too. He jumped bail and couldn't be found. Jimbo couldn't stand the thought of that guy running loose. That's when he left us and went bounty hunter.

I thought Jimbo might be ticked with me for stopping him from killing the guy, but he was cool with me. "Nah bro, we're good," he said real thoughtful like. He said his sis wouldn't forgive him for killing her kid's dad.

His kid sister was Jimbo's one weakness. That nephew of his was a sharp young twerp growing up too. Kid had Jimbo wrapped around his little finger.

Now Jimbo, he's a smart guy. He still worked with us on occasion. He convinced me to freelance my team. We had connections. It actually worked out better than I thought it would.

I was setting aside a nice nest egg with what I didn't gamble. Jimbo wasn't going to let me waste all my dough gambling it away. He was always looking out for me like he was my big brother, even though we were about the same age. He convinced me and a few other of our guys make an investment.

You shoulda seen the self-satisfied look on Jimbo's face when he led us to what he bought with our money. For the life of me I couldn't figure out why the hell he thought a damn night club would make a good investment! I know my face was full of confusion and... let's just say I was I little ticked at first.

He took us to our private VIP room. He explained that we now had a way to launder some of our gambling money, making it legit. It had a balcony with limited access which would make a great place for private meetings.

Our guys would work as security. It would give the guys something to do stateside between missions, as well as provide a trasition from the army to the real world for the guys with issues. Plus, the booze, music and girls. But he was a strict ass, threatened to beat the shit out of anyone who got carried away. We agreed to keep it clean, no drugs, no drinking on the job. Keep our guys under control, disciplined.

Yeah, gotta admit it made sense. Came in handy sometimes too.

Despite the fact that Jimbo went mostly solo looking for the creep that banged his kid sis, he and I remained tight. I'd pull him out of the country to work with the crew sometimes, just to get him to loosen up a bit.

I know, that sounds assbackward, going on a military type assignment to cut loose, but that was us, two sides of the same coin. He could always figure out the domestic side of people, getting us in to where we needed to be. I was more military tactics, making sure our asses were covered. We made a great team, and raised our bottles in victory after every mission.

Until the day I screwed it up.

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