Gundham X Reader {Pet Lovers}

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_No POV_

(y/n) was walking down the streets. (y/n) goes to Hopes Peak Academy. She is known as mind reader. She walks up the gate to see a very angry Ishimaru. 

"Your late (y/n) (l/n)! You will...." Ishimaru got cut off.
"Please do shut up. I've got an eagle to feed." she said and walked by. 

Ishimaru had duck-tape on his mouth now. He was struggling to take it off.
'I hate you (y/n). I know your reading my mind!!' Ishimaru thought.
(y/n) just chuckled and ran up the wall to the roof top. The two eagles weren't here yet.
"Liya! Kiri!" (y/n) yelled at the forest.
Two flying bird came up to the roof. Two brown and big eagles. Both of the holding two hamsters.
"Liya and Kiri! I told you to not capture these living things. You know I will come here everyday as possible OK!" (y/n) sighed. 

The two eagles let go of the hamsters and nuzzled there heads into (y/n)'s neck. The hamsters ran off the roof.
"Nooo!!" (y/n) yelled.

(y/n) jumped off the roof and captured 4 of the hamsters in mid air. Liya and Kiri swag into action. Liya caught (y/n) by the left arm and Kiri on the right. They all swiftly landed on the roof.

_(y/n)'s POV_

'I'm scared.' Champ-P shivered in his head.
'Jum-P was still sleeping.' Sun-D sighed.
'I'm thanking this girl.' Mega-G thanked.
"No need. I can read you mind. Don't be scared. Aren't you Gundhams Hamsters?" I asked.
They just nods. The eagles let me go. I took out all my lunch. Sun flower seeds, cat food, some meat. I took out my meat and placed it on a dish.

'Are you not going to feed us by hand?' Liya asked.
"I'll try." I mutter.
I am a girl and Liya is bigger than me. Feeding by hand is like me getting eaten. I picked up the meat and put it on my hand. I stood in front of them and gave them meat. It was like feeding pigeons. But really BIG pigeons. They did there best to not scrape my hand. It pricked a little but it was OK.
'Thank you for the meal!' they squaked. 
I just smiled. I patted there head.
"Could you bring the others. I need to feed them. Also please bring Gundham." I asked.

With that they took off. I whistled. All the animals that I feed came to the base of the school or to the roof top. The four hamsters were in my scarf. The eagles would bring them to the roof. Even a bear came up to the roof. I placed food on trays and plates and left them on the roof. I didn't want anyone to know that I was a animal lover like Gundham. I was bullied last time. I took Cham-P out of my scarf and placed him on the ground. I placed others on the ground. I gave them my lunch. Roasted sun flower seeds.

Then Gundham was brought here by the eagles. He was struggling? 
"Get off. I've got to find my Devas of Destruction!" he yelled. 
I picked the hamsters that was eating hamster seeds. I placed them on my neck. I walked over to the edge and waved at Gundham.
"I was waiting for you. Sorry my eagles brought them here!" I yelled.
When he stopped he saw me holding the hamsters.

_Time Skip_

"So this is were the animals come when it's 10:00 am." Gundham mutterd.
"Yes. Many animals come her. I love how they munch on there food all the time." I replied.
We've been talking like this for like 2 hours. Animal lovers do love animal talking.
"Hey... (y/n)..." he said.
It suprised me a little. Calling me by the name?
"Yes. My lord?" I asked.
"Call me Gundham because I want you to be my Dark Queen." he says and covers his face with his scraf.
"I would love too Gundham! I liked you since we were here! I will never let you die!" 

I hugged him. Really tight. He gasped for air and hugged me back. We were going to be together right?


Now I was standing in front of a broken Mechamaru with his head intact but broken. He was going to die soon.
"Who did it? Tell me?" I asked.
"Gundham...did..." he replied.
I was shocked. He probably did this for me. I must do something. My mind was racing. I slowly picked up the hammer. 
"Sorry. Can you forgive me? I don't want to let Gundham die..." I cried. 
Mechamaru hesitantly nodded. 

"I have a chip with me. When I die take the... chip out of my left eye. They will let me continue living even... the body is dead..." he said.
I nodded and smashed his head. Making it flung off. Anytime Hajime can come. I took a chip out of the left eye and hid behind a pillar.

"Nekomaru?!" Akane gasped.
I mixed in with the crowed from behind. Making it look like I came with them. 
"Mechamaru!" I gasped. 
This is for me.

_Close to the end of the trial_

"All the evidence point at you Gundham Tanaka!" Hajime yelled.
No! NO! This isn't suppose to happen. It was suppose to be blamed on someone else. I've got to do something!

"Everyone stop! I know you may not be convinced but I was the one who killed him!" I yelled.
Everyone froze with shock. 
"(y-y/n)." Gundham gasped.

'What? She's lying!' Gundham thought.
'No way. She was behind us for the whole time!' Akane thought.

"OK! Anyways guys I'm getting bored. It's VOTING TIME!" Monokuma yelled.

"Guys. VOTE ME!!" I yelled.


Choose your fate...

- Class votes for Gundham Tanaka 

- Class votes for (y/n) (l/n)


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