Just a co-winky-dink

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I felt my head pounding, my eyes were strained from the sun when I opened them

I felt a presence next to me and the side of the bed I was in had dipped down. river had my hand in both of his while his forehead rest against our intertwined hands.

"Riley?" River noticed that I was awake and had moved the hair from my face 

"what happened?" I questioned shifting in my spot

"well uhm" river frowned as if he had to think really hard "I don't really know, you were fine and then you weren't" he described

Then it all came back to me and I shot up pulling my hand from rivers grip

"Riley you shouldn't move" River tried to lay me back down 

"River it's best if you stay away from me" I looked down at my feet noticing that my left leg had a band around it

"don't say that, look I know that my family is weird and the push start might have been a tad too much for you considering you don't come from where we do and I just assumed and I don't know why I assumed..." I squished rivers cheeks together stopping him from running off topic and I couldn't help but let a smile form across my face 'he is so clueless' I thought 

"wot" rivers lips moved as he tried to say what and I started bursting out laughing and he smiled 

"Riley, please don't go I really like you" river said pulling my hand away from his cheeks

I looked off to the side then back at river "okay" I smiled 'whats the worst that could happen' I thought to myself 'it could have just been a typical co-winky-dink, I shouldn't stress myself out to much about it'

"I really want to get out of here though" I said lifting my wrist along with the anaesthetic tube attached to it

"ok I'll see what I can do" river said laughing and pushing my arm back down to my side

I waited for at least 15 minutes adjusting my bed up and down until finally a nurse walked in 

"okay hun, I will just need to remove your anaesthetic and oxygen tube and you will be good to go" she said calmly I watched as river stood beside her examining everything that was being done

the tube in my arm was fine when it was removed but then it got to my oxygen tube in my nose which I have always hated as it is the worst feeling in the world 

"Ok 1, 2 ,3" the nurse slowly removed the tube from my nose I watched as rivers expression turned to a freaked out look, he had suddenly turned pale, and his eyes slowly rolled back up into his head then he fainted causing me to jump "river?" I questioned his consciousness looking down to where he fell

The nurse turned around looking at river and then turned back to me "he will come to" she said calmly I looked at her horrified 'shouldn't she be helping him' I thought "o...oh ok" I said looking down to where river fell one last time

"are you sure your ok" I asked river one more time "yeah I told you I tripped and hit my head" he said shoving his hands into his pockets "oh that's weird because I thought it was because she pul.." "no please" river interrupted me with a begging look on his face 

"hahaha okay... but only because you're cute" I laughed resting my head on his shoulder "you think I'm cute" river said batting his eyelashes we both cracked up laughing 

"okay so where are the folks" I questioned "oh they're getting everyone ready for the push start" river said with that million dollar smile plastered across his face, I looked at him seriously until the smile slowly faded "okay they will be here in another couple of minutes... yeesh" he said with a sassy tone just then a car turned up and the window rolled down

"I'm so sorry river you have to walk home I have some papers that I have to go pick up for the process " heart said out the window "but mom, Riley has a concussion" river argued with heart

"I'm fine really, I can walk" I butted in river swung around as a certain look fell upon his face 

"come on" I huffed river slumped his shoulders following me like a sad puppy rather than a lost one "bye mother" river forced a smile on his face when talking to heart "bye munchkin see you at home" she honked the horn speeding off into the distance 

"River" I sang waving my arm at him "Riley" he sarcastically waved back  "come on let's go" I laughed, river just huffed shoving his hands into his pockets

we had been walking for at least 10 minutes and had reached the corner of town that's when I noticed a sign in the corner of my eye 'AUDITIONS' it read in bold my eyes trailed down to the small words at the bottom 'stand by me' I gasped 

"what!?" river ran up beside me holding me as if I were going to faint again "not me, that" I pointed at the sign rivers face dropped "river you should audition" I felt like he needed that little push and I just so happened to be there to just... push him, but river wasn't to keen on me pushing him he looked at me like I had three heads

"acting is a good skill to learn to you know have, just incase" I rambled on not making sense "have you ever acted" I asked trying to look less suspicious "yeah, only when my family really needed the money I've acted in tv shows and movies not very famous ones but..." "Explorers!" I cut him off he just stared at me shocked "I mean I knew you looked familiar" I nodded my head 

"really?" he questioned "uh yeah" I gulped "anyway audition, for me at least please"I changed the subject back to the auditions and river fell for it "fine but you owe me, you have to audition...to be an on-set assistant" he shared a devilish smile "ok" I shrugged apparently my reaction wasn't enough for him "no wait" he jumped "my on-set assistant" 

I felt red hot 'a girl could only dream' I thought this kid has no idea that I am crazy in love with him in fact right now he thinks he is punishing me 

"oh no please" I dramatically threw my hand up to my forehead "I'll do anything just not that"

I paused opening my eyes look at river as a smirk stretched across my face and we both bursted out laughing "I think I love you" river said in a more friendly manner throwing his arm over my shoulder 'I wish' I thought to myself as we walked off into the sunlight

"get ready phoenix, things are about to get real big for you" I copied him and hung my arm over his shoulder looking up to the side of his face 

"thats right my names Phoenix now" he smiled down at me

"River Phoenix"

Authors note

Hey Queens thank you all so much for reading, I'm really sorry about any typos that I may have missed or anything like that, I would just like to add you guys should go check out my twin sisters page 'basicbrandis' she is an insanely good writer and has  2 books one has is about Jonathan Brandis (I'll give you guys a little hint it has River in it) and the other is about Corey Haim and Wil Wheaton guys I'm not even kidding they are so so good and addicting and you should seriously check them out, thank you guys for all the support and don't forget to vote it only takes a couple of seconds and means so much to me.

Ta Anabelle xx

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