Chapter 5: Secrets.

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Chapter 5: Secrets.

Zayn's Point of View

I woke up to the slight sound of my ringing phone coming from another room. Looking down, I saw Anna, in my arms, sound asleep. She looked so beautiful and peaceful. Trying not to wake her, I slowly lifted her onto the couch and covered her with the blanket we shared before hurring off to my room.

My phone vibrated on top of my dresser, the screen was lit and the sound of its ringtone filled the silent atmosphere. Approaching the ringing phone, I reached out, taking it into my hands. Not even bothering to check the caler ID, I lifted the phone up to my ear after pressing "Answer". Before I could even greet the caller, a voice came from the other end.

"Malik," he spat through his thick Irish accent.

My heart seemed to stop and I froze as terror made its way into me. "Carney." My voice was so low and quiet, that I barely heard it myself. "How did you--"

"It seems as if you've underestimeated my power yet again. I have access to more than you may think, boy." I navigated myself over to the door and gently shut it so that no one else in the suite would be able to hear my convversation. After doing so, I strode over to my bed. Sitting on it and staring off into the darkness of the room, I listened to his words once again. "You know, you can run like you did earlier, but you can't hide. I'm going to get you back. You're going to get what you deserve whether you like it or not." I could tell he was smiling on the other end. 

"Why can't I just pay you?" I questioned in a whining manner. "I've told you before, Carney. I can pay you however much you want, and we can just move on with our lives, pretend like nothing ever happened. It would be the best for both of us. I mean, why--"

"Shut up!" he screamed. Stunned, I stayed silent. "I'm not letting you off that easily for what you did."

My voice softened as I pleaded to him. "I've changed, Carney, why can't you see that? I've told you more times than I can count that I'm sorry. Why can't you let it go? I'm sorry! I'll give you anything you want just--"

"You can't give me his life back."

Silence fell upon both of us. I didn't know how to respond, I couldn't respond. He was right, I screwed up. But it wasn't my fault, I had no choice, there was no other way. I didn't want to do it, I had no choice, I wasn't the one to blame. "You know I didn't mean to," I quietly drew out. "It wasn't supposed to happen like that. I had no choice but to do it, Carney. It was the only thing I cou--"

"Bullshit!" I huffed and placed my head in my free hand, resting my elbows on my knees. "It's your fault. I do blame you. You were the one that owed him, then you were the one that shot him. He was the only family I had left. You think he was dangerous? Wait until I get back at you. You won't be able to hide, boy. You're going to get what you deserve. I'm going to make you hurt the way I did. Mark my words." And with that, the phone line went dead. My grip on the phone released, and I watched as it slid down and hit the floor. Tears had collected in my eyes and I hastily wiped them before burying my face in my hands again as the memories flooded into my mind.


I woke up to a scream coming from my mother's room. I didn't hesitate as I jumped out of bed and rushed out of my room. 

"Get off of me!" her terrified voice rang through the air. 

I entered the dark and familiar room and my eyes widened when I saw Aedan standing by the window with my mother held against him. The thing that scared me the most? The shining blade he held against her neck.

"How nice of you to join us, Malik," he greeted with an evil grin.

"Let her go. Please, let her go." I begged. "Don't hurt her, Aedan, she did nothing wrong."

"Yeah, but you did. Give me my money and I'll let her go."

"I told you, I don't have it right now! I'll pay you back next month, I swear!"

"That's what you said last month. Any last words for your mother?" he began pressing the blade against her skin.

An idea planted itself into my head and I continued talking to stall him. "Aedan, just wait."

He smirked. "Wait, wait, wait. That's the only response you ever have." I saw a drop of blood slide down my mother's neck, followed by a few drops of water escaping her eyes. I bit my tongue, thinking of what to say as I slowly backed up towards my mother's dresser.

"What if I give you double next month?'' My hand stuck out behind my back and I came in contact with the wooden drawer. 

"Don't be making promises you can't keep, now Malik." He chuckled again as my mother let out a cry.

"I'll give you more than money." I slowly pulled the drawer open and my hand wrapped around the small gun that sat inside. "I can get you bags of--"

"Not interested." He looked down at my mother who was shaking and had tears streaming down her face. "This is no fun, it's taking too long, and obviously, you don't have what you owe me. I'm just going to speed it up." With that, he reached behind him and pulled out a silver hand gun. I heard its click and he held it up to my trembling mother's head. "Say goodbye to mummy, Zayn." He grinned.

"No!" before I could even register what I was doing, my hand and the gun it held appeared in front of me. I heard a shot and a bang and watched as Aedan's shocked figure fell to the ground. My eyes widened when I realized that I had pulled the trigger. I had taken a man's life. The gun fell from my hands and I looked up at my mother with tear-brimmed eyes. "I.." She rushed over to me and brought me into her arms.

"We have to leave. Now."

--End Flashback--

I sat up, pulling my hands from my face. My hands were trembling, along with the rest of me.

"I'm a murderer," I whispered to myself. "I'm a monster."

I saw a light on the floor and noticed that the screen on my phone read "One New Message". Bending down, I picked it up and clicked "Open".

"You took away something I loved, I'm going to return the favor."


Oooooh, looks like Zayn really is a Bradford bad boy... yo. Hahaha..

What'd you think? Comment/ Vote/ Whatever :)

Much love,

--Jenn xx 

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