Chapter 8: Philly.

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Chapter 8: Philly.

Anna’s Point of View

After folding it, I neatly placed my last shirt into the top drawer of the hotel’s provided dresser. I pushed the drawer shut and took a few steps back, lifting my head and admiring the room’s beauty. The light walls brought a sense of elegance to the room, highlighting the polished furniture and dark red accents around the room.

I plopped down on the soft bed and allowed it to engulf me as thoughts flooded my brain.

Ever since we’d gotten here, all I could think about was my upcoming date with Zayn… Was it even considered a date? I’d been debating whether or not it was the whole time I was unpacking. I mean, all he did was ask me to hang out; he didn’t call it a date. I was probably overthinking the whole situation, but I couldn’t help it. I turned so that I was lying on my side, and I looked out the massive window on the wall facing me. The view from this room was indescribable. A view of the city; some people wouldn’t like it, but personally, I loved the city, and I felt that it was one of the most beautiful features in the world. Just from my bed, I could look out and see most of downtown, Philadelphia. The buildings towered above the slightly crowded streets, and I could see the sun behind it all, beginning to set. From the corner of my eye, I saw the screen of my phone light up before I heard a small beep, notifying me that I had a new message. My heart fluttered when I saw that it was from Zayn. I scrambled into a sitting position, crossing my legs beneath me, and I took the phone into my hands.

Zayn (1): Hey! Get ready, we’ll head out in an hour :) xx

I smiled and replied, okaying it, and then rose from the bed so I could begin getting ready.

I decided on a pair of dark jeans and a tank top under a cardigan, in hopes that Zayn wouldn’t be taking me anywhere too fancy. I wasn’t really the dress-up kind of person. I was light on my makeup, wearing nothing but a bit of eye shadow and some mascara, and I was just finishing straightening my hair when I heard a soft knock on the door of my hotel room.

“Coming!” I called out, turning off the straightening iron and unplugging it. I slipped on an old pair of black converse and headed towards the door.

I was greeted by a cheery Zayn in some jeans and a shirt under a varsity jacket as soon as I pulled open the door of my room. He was standing with his arm perched against the left side of the door frame. “You ready?” he asked as his eyes shined with excitement. After nodding in response, I grabbed my jacket, turned off the lights, and followed Zayn out into the hallway towards the elevator.

“So,” he started as he lifted his hand to press the “lobby” button. “What should we do in the oh so lovely city of Philly?”

My eyes shifted from the closing elevator doors to his gleeful face. I watched as he pulled his arms behind him and began to rock slightly back and forth on his heels. “I don’t know, I’ve never been here before.”

He looked up from the ground and just glanced at me for a few seconds before chuckling to himself. “Neither have I.” The elevator dinged, signaling that we’d arrived at our designated floor. “Shall we?” he asked in the best posh manner he could.  Zayn put on a cheeky smile and brought his arms to motion towards the entrance. I laughed and curtsied, pretending to hold out the sides of a dress.

We’d barely stepped foot out of the hotel when we were bombarded with flashing lights and questions flying through the air.

“Zayn! How are the boys?” “Zayn, over here!” “Who’s that girl you’re with?” “Are you guys dating?” “Zayn! Over here!” ‘Zayn!”

“Damn it,” he muttered under his breath, taking my hand in his. I looked up in confusion at his thoughtful face. “Don’t respond to any of them.” He led me through the crowd of paparazzi and we began walking along the sidewalk. The paparazzi continued snapping pictures and shouting questions as us, and the crowd followed after us. Zayn’s grip on my hand tightened and he looked down at me, locking our gaze. “I’m going to count to three, and we’re both going to run, alright?” I nodded and held onto his hand tighter. “One… Two… Three… Now!”

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