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Affectionately, I helped him lace his skates, kneeling down beside him.

"Honestly, this is so easy Kara, I'm not sure how you could have trouble with this."

He huffed in reply and said after a moment, "I don't usually go ice-dancing that much." I laughed and patted his other leg after finishing. The blue Matsu reluctantly pushed it toward me, and I set to work. Over and in, under and out. Mr. and Mr. Katsuki had both greeted us with sweet smiles. Hiro was glad to see me as well and had plenty of questions for Kara, but they had to wait because I was going to teach my dear friend how to ice-dance. (And I feared that Kara was going to have an attack if he had another hundred questions poured onto him.)

"Alright, you're good now. C'mon." He suddenly grabbed my hand, and I looked up at him. Karamatsu was just a little bit terrified, it seemed.

"(Y/N), c-could you hold my hand while we're out on the ice?" He asked childishly.

I suppressed a snort of laughter and helped him to his feet. He let out a sharp sigh of relief and kissed my cheek affectionately, gratefully. The smokey-white ice was fresh beneath my skates, as he stayed on the other side of the boundary that separated the secure carpet from the slippery frozen water. Even I had a bit of trouble staying upright and wobbled a bit, not used to being on any sort of ice for a while. Kara looked on worriedly and stayed put.

With a smile, I held out my hand to him. Always the gentleman, he smooched my hand gently after taking it with a smile. I held a dramatic hand to my chest as he did and lightly tugged him over the dividing line. Like a scared kid, he almost clung to me fearfully after near falling on his bottom. I threw him a glance and he coolly adjusted his jacket like nothing had happened.

"Back straight," I murmured, softly poking and prodding at him, "eyes forward," I guided his face toward mine, "breathing steady." Karamatsu stared at me, confused, but agreed, and as a result didn't wobble as much. Astonished, he looked at the ground, still holding my hand. "Now," I began, bringing his free hand to my waist, (causing a bloom of pink across his cheeks) "we probably won't get to any proper moves, so we can just try to get a normal thing my parents taught me."

"Your parents' ice danced?" He asked quietly. The familiar image made me smile.

"Not often. And I barely remember the choreography," I said, "I was never very good. But despite everything, we'd always go in the winter, even though we didn't always live close to a rink." I looked at the ground thoughtfully, clicking the blades of my skates against the ice. "And in America, it's usually called figure-skating. But that doesn't matter much does it?" I corrected. After shrugging, Kara took in a deep breath and said with a new confidence,

"Then let us begin," I grinned and stuck out a leg. It cracked stiffly, and I hoped he didn't notice, despite his sudden interest. Damn, I thought, I should probably start stretching more. "First, start with your right leg out like this." He copied my movements and faintly gasped as I turned around so that we looked like mirror images. "Don't be scared-," I warned, holding his hand on my waist, and using the other hand to guide his out toward the air. He did so obediently, still a bit nervous. "Alright, now, keep your toes pointed to the right, but swing your left foot outward."

I lazily demonstrated, dragging my pointed toes until we fluidly swung in a half circle. He gave a squeak of surprise, stunned I had enough force to push us both in the direction. In another motion, I rolled out my arm so I could twirl myself playfully around him. Confusedly he watched, wrist turning as I brought myself closer, holding our joined hands up in the air, and twisting him around in turn.

Karamatsu tried to stay close to me, suddenly laughing as he began to copy my moves. I laughed with him, gliding around the rink and pulling him along with me. His feet moved instinctively forward, and I cheered him on. "Now you've got it!" I remarked, spinning around him again with a proud grin. He chuckled and continued, dipping me daringly, though it was a sloppy action. It felt perfect.

The clink of our skates echoed against the big, cold walls of the building. After a while, Kara was following my demonstrations like a pro, the previous nervousness went like the wind. The sliding turned to slow dancing eventually. Forgetting to have worn a beanie or scarf of some sort, my teeth began to chatter. I pressed against his chest, glad to have the warmth. He looked down at me, and we stopped, merely swaying back and forth at this point.

"So," He began, "you're a perfect dancer and an amazing singer? You could run your own show if you wanted to," I smirked at the thought, and sarcastically made a chuffing noise. "That is, is the world was ready for such perfection." He added, winking at me.

"I am far from perfect, Kara."

"Nonsense," He disagreed, plucking up the courage to carefully pick me up Lion-King-style and twirl us around like I was a toddler, "Though I suppose I am~ a bit biased!" It was my turn to squeal in surprise, smiling at his enthusiasm. He gradually slowed to stop.

"Plus," I said, feeling my feet dangle as he held me up, "My parents taught me everything I know. That was their special routine they did whenever we visited. And we didn't visit often." I rolled my eyes at the thought. "It's not like I'm in a family of great figure skaters. I guess when they were younger they just showed me how to do it. It's not even a big part of my family. A side thing... y'know?"

After bringing me close to him again, cradling me in his arms, he murmured thoughtfully, "You have lucky parents."

"You're biased," I added, booping his nose with a finger light-heartedly.

"I am." He kissed my head without hesitation. "And I'm very proud of it." I smiled softly up at him. He joined me, darkly passionate gaze locked with mine. I shuddered with emotion as he pressed his lips to mine.

It was only an hour later that I realized the whole time I hadn't once let go of his hand.

Cerulean Hearts ||a Karamatsu x reader||Where stories live. Discover now