Can I admit it?

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chapter one

Rain poured down on them, soaking their already drenched forms to the bone. Zoro's body ached with every step he took, twinges of pain shooting up his leg with every foot fall. In his stiff arms rested an unconscious Luffy, his head laying against Zoro's shoulder.

Zoro hated how ice cold the younger boys skin felt against his, even through his white shirt. He would have to find some way to warm up his captain or else risk him coming down with a fever. If that happened he would never hear the end of it from that wannabe cook or Chopper.

First things first, they needed to get out of the rain. They had to find shelter, a cabin, a tent, a cave,  anything that would keep them dry. who knows how long they would have to stay on this island till their crew found them. All of this trouble because their dimwitted captain refused to think about his own safety.

Who in their right mind plays tag on the deck of a ship during a hurricane? The captain of the straw hat pirates.  That's who. If the crew were any less capable they would have ended up dead under the guidance of that foolish child of a leader.

What had Zoro been thinking when he signed up to sail under Luffy's command? Did he really just do it because Luffy had saved him? He couldn't remember his reasoning anymore. Not like it mattered in their current situation.

Finally he spotted it, the small entrance to a cave in the nearby cliff face. Not the most glorious of shelters but it would serve it's purpose. With a sigh of relief Zoro made his way to the cave entrance, holding a shivering Luffy tightly in his arms.

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