Only You

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A low chuckle escaped Zoro's lips, his voice sounded deeper and huskier than he himself had ever heard it before. Luffy had the power to change him in ways no woman had ever been able to.

"Who was the one that was dragging my hand all over his body?" Zoro smirked down at the boy beneath him.

The boy smiled back, a hint of his normal mischievous attitude shining through. So Luffy was one hundred percent sure of what he was doing. Was the boy just playing coy to rile Zoro up? Zoro laughed to himself. That did sound like his captain.

Luffy raised both his arms and locked them behind Zoro's neck, his fingers playing with the moss green hair at his nape. "Zoro..." The boy whined again.

"Aye Aye captain," Zoro, albeit amused, found that he couldn't resist the burning in the pit of his stomach that his captains begging induced in him.

Zoro leaned down then, slowly, placing his face a mere centimeter away from his captains face. His eyes bore into the younger mans, lust clouding them. "I swear," Zoro said, his voice a low growl, "If this is all just fever induced and you don't remember any of it tomorrow, I will kill you."

Luffy laughed, the sound of it danced over Zoro's face, "No you won't. You love me too much."

Zoro stiffened for just the briefest of moments, before it melted away with a mix of relief and agitation.

"You knew this whole time didn't you?" He asked, brushing his lips across his captains cheek, "You knew this whole time that I was obsessed with you and you said nothing..."

Leave it to Luffy to manage to piss him off and relax him at the same time.

"How could I not know," Luffy raised his head just enough to take Zoro's ear lobe back into his mouth, scraping his teeth ever so slightly against the sensitive skin that resided there. A shaky breath escaped Zoro and it took all his strength to keep his arms from buckling and falling on the sick boy. "And I had to keep it secret. I couldn't say anything," Luffy managed to get his leg in-between Zoro's and lifted it to put pressure on the hardness there.

Zoro bent his head into Luffy's neck moaning against his skin. The boy was going to drive him crazy.

"I'm the captain," Luffy continued, his hands beginning to make their way down Zoro's bare back, his nails leaving light red lines as he scratched just hard enough to send shivers through Zoro's entire body. "I need to be responsible for everyone. Not just you. And god-" His line of thought was cut off by a gasp as Zoro gently bit his neck before sucking on the soft flesh. "If I... If I admitted it...damn..." the curse word was said in the slightest of whispers, Luffy's nails digging into Zoro's side as he clenched onto the man now kissing his way down to Luffy's chest.

"If you admitted it?" Zoro's voice was tight, stiff as his body reacted the little noises coming from his captain. God the kid knew just how to wreath.

"If I admitted it... then... fu..." Luffy didn't get a chance to finish his next explicit before Zoro took Luffy's soft nipple into his mouth. Who knew his captain had such a potty mouth. Zoro chuckled at the thought. the sound vibrating Luffy's sensitive peak causing the boy to call out Zoro's name. Fuck... Zoro's mind finished his captains explicit.

Zoro teased his captains nipple for a little while longer before raising his head, "Then..." he urged Luffy to continue his story. He shifted his mouth over to Luffy's other nipple, his hand raising up to tease the one he just abandoned.

"Then..." It was becoming harder to understand his captain, his words more breath than sound, "Then... I would... Only see you... only think of you... I couldn't risk... the others..."

Zoro stopped his administrations for just the briefest of moments as his heart clenched painfully in his chest. So that was why.

Zoro raised himself up so he could look down at his captain. That was why he followed Luffy, and why he had fallen for the man. Luffy put his crew before himself, even if it didn't seem like it most of the time with his captains crazy antics that always seemed to get them into trouble. Luffy would give his life in an instant if it meant saving and protecting his crew. Zoro smiled.

"You fool," he said humor in his voice.

Luffy's brows furrowed as he looked up at him. A comical expression when paired with lusty eyes and a supper flushed complexion.

"For me," Zoro continued, "Since day one, there has been only you." Zoro lowered his mouth to Luffy's ear. His voice a whisper, "If you can only think of me, then I'll protect the crew. If you only wish to save me, then I will save the crew. If you fall short because of me..." Zoro paused as he cupped his captains cheek, turning his face to his, "Then I will pick you up, carry you, and carry the crew..." and before Luffy could form a response Zoro slammed his lips into Luffy's, stealing the words that were on Luffy's lips and swallowing them with his kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2018 ⏰

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