Chapter 23 Lucy

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The next day, news had come back from one of the Narnian guards that a Telmarine had been watching from the entrance to the woods.

Peter had gathered a meeting, and me and Rose were sat on the stone table, whilst everyone else gathered.

" It's only a matter of time, Miraz's men and war machines are on their way! That means those same men aren't protecting his castle!" Peter seemed to be getting on to something. But I couldn't stop referring to Aslan. I DID see him, and he definitely will be coming back, I know it. Rose seems to believe me, she might never have met Aslan before, but she says the stories she hears sound so real to her that she can feel it too.

" What do you propose we do, your majesty?" Reepicheep said (I learnt his name), standing forward from his mini army of mice.

" dzkjhszdjeszkjdcsk" That's all I heard anyway, because Caspian and Peter said two different thing at the same time.

" One at time, gees" Rose said, obviously annoyed with this competitive battle going on.

Caspian seemed to look a bit down as he let Peter carry on.

" Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us!" Peter finished just about.

" But that's crazy no one has ever taken that castle!" Caspian confronted as if worried.

" There's always a first time!" Peter said, his arms lifting up in an I-don't know gesture.

" We'll have the omen of surprise!" Trumpkin said, from the right side of me.

" But we have the advantage here!" Caspian argued.

" If we dig in, we could probably hold them off indefinitely" Susan said , from behind Caspian.

" I for one feel safer underground..." Trufflehunter retorted, next to Edmund.

" Look, I appreciate what you've done here, but this isn't a fortress it's a tomb" Peter exclaimed to Caspian, with no sense of backing down.

" Yes, and if their smart the Telmarines will just wait and starve us out!" Edmund stood up, which side was it he was on??????

" We can always collect nuts?!?!" A squirrel next to Reepicheep said, which made me laugh a little.

"Yes, and throw them at the Telmarines! Shut up!  Reepicheep enthused sarcastically.

" I think you know where I stand sire..." Reepicheep continued, after having a very funny go at the squirrel.

" If I gather your troops in, can you handle the guards?" Peter asked the main centaur.

Everyone anxiously awaited his reply.

" I shall try, my liege" He answered.

" That's what I am worried about..." I said, not being able to contain myself much longer.

" Well your acting like there is only two options- dying here or dying there!" I continued after a confused expression from Peter.

" Your not listening, Lu?" Peter claimed.

" No your not listening!" Rose said next to me, supporting my argument, she knew where I was coming.

" Or have you forgotten who really defeated the white witch, Peter..." I said sadly.

" I think we have waited for Aslan long enough" Peter turned abruptly away from me.

Sometimes I think Peter doesn't understand...

Telmarines// Edmund Pevensie (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now