Chapter 16:

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Other than that really embarassing moment this morning nothing unusual happend.

Sasuke had snaped me out of my thoughts and urged me to freshen up to go to school. I did so, pretty quitely -for me atleast.

Then we had breakfast. Bickred like usual and just like that it was all normal again.

But even as I thought back now I could still feel my face heat up at thought of what had just occured this morning.

It was weird cause it didn't feel weird. Am I making any sense? I sighed.

It was almost as if I was.. In love?

I blushed more at this.

No. No. No. Nonononononono..

That can't be right. Yeah. I'm thinking too much. Yeah that's it. I'll stop thinking. Yeahh.

"UZUMAKI!!", a chalk came flying and hit me square on my forehead. Ouch. "Just because this is your last hour doesn't give you the right to daydream in class!!!", my history teacher yelled.

I heard kiba chuckle from next to me - I had this class with kiba and even sakura was in the same class.

That ass of a friend of mine is laughing at my misery.

I took a small note and wrote 'muttface' and throw it on his desk when the teacher wasn't looking. I could hear him growl after he read it and was satisfied with my acomplishment.

After our classes we met up outside like we usually did and since it was friday the girls were discussing about going to this group date tomorrow -with neji and gaara of course.


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