Chapter 4:

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The loud ringing of my alarm told me that it's time to wake up.

Oh how difficult it is to stay awake when all you want to do is curl up under your warm blanket and sleep again.

But I had to wake up if I didn't wanna be late.

I was ready and set to head for school when my phone vibrated. It was a text. I opened it to find that it was from Sasuke.

It read : 'I'm coming over. Wait for 5 mins. We'll walk togather. '

That was unusual. Sasuke -as possessive as he maybe- does not usually come over to my house to "walk togather". His house is way too far from mine for that.

I decided to wait for him to come so i could ask him.

The door bell rang within the 5 minutes he said he'd be here. He must have left real early to get here this quick. I ran over to the door and opened it. Sasuke stood there smirking.

"mornin' teme!", I greeted him with a grin. His eyes softed just a bit and he almost smiled as he said, "good morning dobe".

We headed off without any delay after that - din't wanna get late now did we.

As we walked I decided to ask him, "why'd you wanna walk with me today?"

He looked at me with an indifferent face. Then smirked "are you saying you like it better if i'm not here?"

I glared. That ass, he sure knows how to get on my nerves.


A/N : meanings of the japanese words used here; dobe - dead last; teme - bastard/asshole/jerk;

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