Chapter 22:

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After I realized my feelings for Sasuke, I couldn't help but blush over the silliest things.

Sasuke and I went to a resturant after we -finally- left the theater.

He was his normal jerky self while I wouldn't stop blushing and yelling at him for no reason. I was being a tsundere. Damn. I'd NEVER admit this out loud.

I just hope I wasn't too suspicious for sasuke to find out I had feelings for him.

We are currently just taking a walk. As I didn't wanna go home yet. It's still 4 or so pm anyway.

"we haven't been to this park in a while, have we?", I turned around to see sasuke looking at the park with a longing look in his eyes.

"we used to come here often when we were younger huh", I said as I looked at it myself.

"yeah..", he said in a lost voice. I turned to stare at him.

"Do you wanna go in?", I asked.

He looked at me, shocked. Then he turned to look at the park as he said, "sure..why not"

I smiled as we made way to the park.

We sat on a swing and talked about stupid things we used to do while we were younger, laughed at our old selves and just spent a relaxing evening.

After we stoped talking I started to swing.

Why let a nice swing like the one i was sitting on go to a waste by not swinging on it, right?

"You look like a kid right now", he smirked.

I jerked the swing to a stop to glare at him, "I do not!", I protested.

He just chuckled at this. Stupid teme.

"It was fun", he said, surprising me.


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