Part 7

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I know this is REALLY short but I didn't have much more time right now, I'll either write more tonight or tomorrow. Hope you enjoy x

March 15, 2016

"Ellie, please come join us tonight. It'll be fun, I promise!" She groans, not wanting to leave   her bed. I know she'd been suffering since she and Harry broke up, but  I wasn't going to let my best friend drown in despair. "I don't  feel like it, Ems. Let me stay home, you go out and have a good  time." With a sigh, I sit down next to her and reach out to grab her  hands. "Baby, I know you don't feel good and you don't want to go  out,  but please believe me.  I know this will be good for you." No further answer coming out of my best friends mouth, I up and pull away the covers. "Get up, take a hot shower. I'll look for an outfit and do your makeup." Ellie groans in annoyance, but she knows well enought than to not test me or my patience.
2 hours later, she seems like a new person. Her dark hair shiny and not dull anymore, it's losely taken together into a fishtail braid, showing off her golden hoop earrings.  She wears white skinny jeans and a black off-shoulder shirt along with a dainty golden choker, the chartreuse colour of her eyes is brought out by black winged eyeliner. With a proud grin I step back to admire my work. "May I say that you have never looked hotter? I would so tap that ass." Ellie gives me a sly grin before she leans in and wiggles her eyebrows. "Let me give that compliment right back to you, babe. That ass in those jeans. Mhm." With a chuckle I lick my lips playfully. "You and me, heh?" Before our goofy behaviour can get us any further, the doorbell is violently rung. I roll my eyes a little, but I could also definitely feel my heartrate speed up. "Michael's here." Ellie states after peaking out the window, watching as I fiddle with my hands in excitement. Letting out a deep sigh I grab my denim jacket and turn to face my best friend. "Ready?"

Having dated him for two months didn't take away any of my awe whenever I laid eyes on Michael, and upon seeing him lean against the living room door chatting with Dean, I felt myself grinning widely. It took him until Dean stopped answering and instead smiled at me to turn his head, eyes widening. "Hey." I softly mumbled and let him pull me in against his chest, hands securely around my waist. "Hey kitten." Brushing his nose against mine, Michael then leaned down to softly kiss my lips.  God, how much I had missed his touch in those few hours we'd been apart, it drove me crazy. I never wanted to fall this hard again, and here I was. Maybe he was the one?
Ellie's hand on my shoulder clawed me from my thoughts, and I blinked at her a few times before I was back to reality, realising that she'd spoken to me.
"I'm sorry what?" She snickered, shaking her head a little. "You two lovebirds. I said let's go, we're gonna be late."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2017 ⏰

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