Chapter 4- Testosterone

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My dream ended abruptly, as I was shaken back into reality. My eyes opened, my eyelashes faintly batting against my lids when I blinked. I laid on my mattress, debating whether or not I should get up. My muscles felt weak, just like my energy. I let out an exasperated sigh, groaning as I rolled off of the cream sheets I had been occupying. What time was it? How long had I been asleep?

It was only my first day in apartment 24B therefore I didn't have many furniture. Besides from the king sized mattress in the middle of the floor and my luggage, my room was empty.

I stretched over the mattress to the other end and groaned as my body attempted to reach for my phone in the pocket of my hoodie.

The brightness of the screen made me hiss like a vampire, the light making my eyes burn. As my eyes adjusted to the light my vision became clear and I stared at my lock screen.

Above the picture of me and my mom in my graduation smiling together like the proudest people on the planet was the time, 9:45. I sighed and stretched out my body listening to each satisfactory click of my bones.

I had never really been one to sleep in and I know 9:45 isn't particularly late for some but to me is was pretty late. My soul was very much an old soul, my thought process was why waste precious time sleeping when I could be out in the world exploring.

But today was the exception not the rule. Yesterday was very ruff to say the least, not only was I extremely jet lagged from a nine hour flight and physically exhausted. But mentally as well from all the head nausea of the roommate/apartment issue.

The growling from my stomach insisted me to get breakfast, I hadn't realised until now that I was actually starving. But not eating anything for twelve hours did that to a person.

As I pushed myself up off the warm mattress I began heading towards the door, my feet dragging against the wooden floorboards.

With my phone in a firm grip in my hands I caught a glimpse of myself on the dark screen, I sneered at my reflection. I looked like a zombie; pale, messy and with huge dark circles underneath my eyes.

I couldn't go out there looking like this. I shared an apartment with three insanely hot guys and the last thing I wanted them to see was my loose band shirt that went along nicely with my messy bedhead.

Me being me I wanted to look somewhat presentable for them, so I quickly slid on a grey hoodie along with black leggings that made my ass look extra perky. Perfect, a sly grin spread over my lips as I examined my behind proudly.

Sliding my fingers through my hair I pulled out the tight bobble and ruffled it down, my brown waves sitting comfortably on my shoulders.

I gripped the cold handle of the door and twisted it, the smell of eggs wafted to my nose as I strolled over to Phoenix and Sebastian.

Sebastian sat on the edge of the counter with his legs spread and his hands folded together between them while Phoenix continued to shake the pan. I couldn't help but stare at the mouth watering fried eggs, they looked fluffy and delicious, I licked my lips.

"Morning Andy, would you like some eggs on toast?" Phoenix half turned his head to look at me but at the same time concentrated on not burning the eggs. And who said men couldn't multitask?

Smiling, I nodded to him, "yes please." He smiled back at me and turned his full attention to cooking the eggs.

"How did you sleep?" Sebastian kindly asked, he was so sweet. I had never met a boy like him before, even though his looks were jaw dropping he was modest. Almost as if he didn't realise how handsome he actually was, I smiled.

"Like a baby," I beamed at him. Before he had a chance to answer Enzo came strutting in only wearing tight white boxers, I felt my cheeks burn as my eyes stared at him. His body was immaculate, he was well-built with a strong defined six pack that made me feel even hungrier than I was before. Had the gods carved his muscles or was Enzo just actually a Greek god himself?

"Like what you see princess?" Enzo rose a kinky brow at me, "do you want to feel?" A mischievous glint appeared in his eyes.

I wrinkled my nose at him, "uhm I think I'll pass." Enzo chuckled and slowly licked his lips as he looked me up and down making me feel violated on so many levels.

"Ah Enzo you always knew how to treat a woman," Phoenix scowled as he shovelled the fried eggs off the pan and onto the crispy pieces of toast.

"Phoenix your name literally means a long-lived bird that is cyclically regenerated or reborn," Enzo sarcastically commented still smirking at me. "You're a bird and therefore you can relate to the birds." He made a squawking sound and flapped his arms up and down like a bird, Sebastian laughed but Phoenix and I continued to scowl at Enzo.

"Talking about birds," Sebastian muttered under his breath just loud enough for us to hear. His dark eyes stared straight ahead towards the door Enzo had recently come out of.

Quietly opening his door stood a tall blonde girl. She looked no older than twenty but with her long legs she could also be older. Her shirt was slightly unbuttoned revealing red love bites all over her neck, she grabbed onto her bag and headed to the door.

"Where you going so fast sweetheart?" Enzo's eyes gazed at her taking a snapshots in his mind of her thin but curvy body, he smirked. Asshole.

"Oh," she dropped her bag in surprise of four people watching her do the walk of shame. I felt a bit bad for her, she probably didn't know that she would be facing an audience the morning after an exciting night.

The three boys gaped as she bent down to pick up her bag, her behind facing them. As she came closer to the ground her skirt began to climb up her body, revealing a bit too much. Phoenix smirked to Enzo as he first bumped Sebastian. I rolled my eyes and snapped my fingers at them to tell them to focus.

At once they focused their attention to me but frowned as I gave them each a disgusted but disappointed expression. They turned back around but by the time they had turned away from me she was already gone out the door. Ha! The boys glared at me for a second before Phoenix grabbed a plate and slouched on the couch.

• Boys will be boys •

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