prank gone wrong | sehun

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You knew your roommate Sehun had come home earlier that morning from a big night out and had gone straight to bed the moment he arrived. It was routine; every Sunday, he would sleep right in until the sun was almost about to set. He wasn't a heavy sleeper though, so the entire Sunday you'd have to be extremely quiet, otherwise he'd wake up and yell "SHUT UP ____, I'M SLEEPING!"
You really liked being around Sehun, but on Sunday's he was lousy and boring; because he was never around. Your apartment was small and cosy, but seemed to be empty when it was just you and a body that wouldn't move in the other room.
There were rules that applied to Sunday. You weren't allowed friends over because to Sehun, you would be making a racket. It was all his fault for getting so drunk the night before. The TV volume had to be to a minimum and you had to tip-toe your way around the house. It was preferred that you went out so he could sleep with 'ease' and you certainly weren't allowed in or near his room.
You'd been up for around 3 hours, grazing on food and watching some of the latest season of your favourite TV show when an idea hit you. At first you were hesitant to disturb Sehun, you didn't want to make him angry; but you had realised that every Sunday you had to tip-toe around him to satisfy his needs which wasn't fair.
I'll show this little brat that he's not the only one who lives here, and that he should be more responsible for his own actions and respect other people.
You jumped off of the couch and marched over to the kitchen where you grabbed a jug and filled it up to its rim with cold water from the tap. You threw in a few ice-cubes and carried it over to Sehun's bedroom which was on the opposite side of the apartment. You carried it slowly with a great big smirk which framed across your face as you stood in the doorway of his cubed bedroom. You looked right at him, his head buried between the cream pillows and his sheets covering him up to the small of his back.
You stood beside him for a moment, looking at the back of his head with that evil grin stuck to your face before you quickly tipped the jug and let the icy water fall onto him. He jolted upright as you threw the jug away and moved to the edge of his bed before pulling his bedsheets off of him, cackling away devilishly.
"AHH!" He screeched, as he pushed his hair out of his face and turned his body towards you. You started to laugh before your face turned from deviancy to horror. You knew Sehun slept shirtless, but not naked. You both looked at each other for a split second and screamed. Sehun was quick to act, grabbing a pillow from behind him and though it into his lap to cover up his privatised area.
"W-WHAT WAS THA-AT FOR?" He screamed at you, shivering as he spoke. He was obviously uncomfortable, wet and still evidently hungover.
"WHY DO YOU SLEEP NAKED?" You could only scream in response. You were beyond surprised and had been taken back by this event.
"Why does it matter?" Neither of you were answering any questions, you were both getting nowhere. "Don't you like it?" Sehun removed the pillow and stood up before drifting past you towards the bathroom. You covered your eyes and looked away as quickly as you could from the sight.
"Put some pants on!"
"Why? You've already seen it, haven't you? I know you don't mind seeing it." You could hear the smirk in his voice as he called out from the bathroom. He rubbed the soft towel against his dripping skin and through his hair, attempting to dry himself off. You had nothing to reply with. He was slightly right, you didn't exactly mind. You had to admit he had a good length.
"See, you don't mind." He said as if he were reading your mind. He came back into his room, past where you had been frozen for the past minute. He came to collect his phone, yet continued to walk around with his friend letting loose like there was nobody else watching. Sehun had the biggest smirk smothered across his face as he jumped onto the sofa and laid down, switching the television off. Little brat.
"Please don't disturb me now." He shuffled around in his spot to gain comfy-ness again as he closed his eyes and left that grin plastered and proud on him. You watched, still in the same position as you had been stuck inn earlier, your mouth gaping slightly before one other idea jumped into your mind. This time, your idea happened to be more deviate and perverted.

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