Proper Word Use

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WARNING: This is a generally chill chapter considering I make mistakes like this all the time and I have no real anger towards this. 

    This is a problem I see that everyone struggles with. I do too, so just know I'm dissing myself here when I talk about this. It's not that big of an issue and frankly, I could care less on some days that someone used the wrong 'there' or 'too'. But on the days I do care, (today is not really one of those days) I almost turn into a grammar Nazi. Keyword, almost. It never gets too bad and I never really turn into one on those days, but it sometimes gets a little close. So instead of me ranting about what idiots everyone on Wattpad is, I'm just going to teach you the proper uses of these, sometimes, confused words. I'm only going to list the words I see people struggle with the most. 

The 'there'

There: Is used when distinguishing a location or subject, ex. "Look over there," 

Their: Is used when giving someone ownership of something or a location, ex. "Their house is painted blue"

They're: Is a conjunction of the two words 'They' and 'Are', is used as a shorter version of describing something one person may be doing, ex. "They're going to the store later"

There's: Is a conjunction of the two words 'There' and 'Is', ex. "There's a snake in the garage"

The 'to' (I'm using dictionary definitions for these cause I forgot the difference between the two) 

To: used for expressing motion or direction toward a point, person, place, or thing approached and reached, as opposed to from, used for expressing direction or motion or direction toward something, used for expressing limit of movement or extension, used for expressing contact or contiguity, used for expressing a point of limit in time, used for expressing aim, purpose, or intention, used for expressing destination or appointed end, ex. "He grew to six feet"

Too: to an excessive extent or degree; beyond what is desirable, fitting, or right, used as an affirmative to contradict a negative statement, ex. "She wasn't too pleased with his behavior"

Edit: 11/20/17 Just doing maintenance.

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